Have you ever used expired glucose strips in your meter?
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Rarely deliberately. You use what you have… expired, almost empty, brand new. Side by side the results from the strips regardless of their date/status were same-same and completely interchangeable any time I compared them. Went through them all… with time
I said unsure but probably yes. Do not use that many with a CGM so do probably expire.
Almost always. Medicare won’t cover blood test strips for me, because I use a CGM. So, I use very few blood test strips. Usually, I use them during the 2 hour Dexcom G6 warm up period. My blood test strips have been out dated for several years, and will run out on me very soon. Then, if needed, I will have to pay for them myself.
I’m hoping the Dexcom G7 will alleviate my need for blood test strips.
Yes, I have. If results are close to the sensor I will continue to use them. On occasion, I will test and my glucose meter will say used strip even before the blood sample. If this situation repeats itself I will open fresh containers of strips. Still test 8-12 per day. Happy New Year to all. Sweetblood
Yes, of course. And many other meds and food. It would be wasteful not to in certain circumstances. I throw away unused meds I react to. Liquids I pitch when overdue. Test strips I use. I check ex date. I try to be organized, but hate waste. And I respect those who follow expiration dates closely.
I rarely use finger sticks at this time as I use a CGM. Because I do not use test strips regularly I am sure that I have used expired strips on occasion.
For sure! With my DexCom I don’t need to finger stick much and I have to pay for the strips as Medicare won’t cover them anymore! And expiration dates are rather arbitrary anyhow.
Wait, you’re saying those things have an expiration date? Who knew! Next I suppose you’ll be telling me you can replace the needle in the finger-poker gadget!
JBOL!! 🙂 Thank you!
Meter? Do they make one for Urine Glucose? Actually Transitioning from G6 to G7 so haven’t Bg tested for 5 years, 75 yo 60 yr T1 in Mar
Prescriptions sometimes do not cover the days you are all over the map. So, the expired ones come in handy if you compare a non expired strip to an expired and get the same result, I say use them.
I have. There was one time where my Omnipod PDM died and, as it was also my BG meter, I had to scrounge through my drawers for an old meter. I only had expired strips for the old meter, so used them. (The other issues was getting a battery for it, but that’s a tale for another day.) 🙂
I’ve been using expired strips for 2 plus years as I moved to Dexcom and only need to spot check accuracy.
Only when absolutely necessary!
Yes, many times!
Last year in March
funny, i never even thought to check for an expiration date. I did recently throw away 10 year expired urine keto test strips
With using the Dexcom, I didn’t use up my test strip supply until recently. The expired strips were always within 8-10% of the blood test, so they are still accurate. The unexpired ones always were within the 8-10% range.