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For insulin pump users: When traveling to a time zone that is 1 hour different than your home time zone, do you change the time on your pump? (For example, traveling from Eastern Time to Central Time, or traveling from Pacific Time to Mountain Time)
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When I was working and traveling for bisness on short duration trips, no I wouldn’t change it. For longer trips or multiple time zones, yes I do change it.
Most of my traveling is north and south in the same time zone. I have traveled across time zones a few times in my life. Most of those were trips of a week or so. In those cases, I did change the time on my pump. However, I once flew from New York to New Orleans, then drove to Florida. During that trip, I did not adjust my pump, because I stayed in that time zone for two days, and it was only one hour difference. I went to Hawaii once, but that was before I had an insulin pump.
Changing my settings depends on how long I’m traveling. If it’s just one time zone for a couple of days, then no I don’t change. If it’s multiple times zones such as central to west coast, then I typically change (if I remember).
Yes, no, maybe. Yes, sometimes, no. Always, sporadically, never. Welcome to the quantum mechanics 3- or 4-dimensional ping pong game of being a diabetic. \(のĹ̯の)/
Depends entirely on how long I’ll be in the other time zone. If only in the other time zone for a day or two, no time change needed. If staying in other time zone longer than a week then I’ll change the time on the pump.
Sometimes, if I remember.
It’s inconceivable to me why you would not want to be in Sync with the local time. Although the question did not state how long you would stay in the time zone.
It really depends on the anticipated amount of time/days that I’ll be in that other zone. If it’s only for a couple of days or less, I probably won’t bother.
If I’m only there 1-2 days, no. If longer then yes
When I travel I’m usually gone for a minimum of a week so yes I change it to avoid the consistent notification.
It depends – if I am gone more than a day I will change
For one hour’s difference, I do not change anything. But traveling to and from California to and from Rhode Island, I leave the time set as it is in my departure state. That way, I know what my body is expecting that day and it factors into my calculations.
No unless I am on a travel trip 3 or more hours away from my home base EST.
It would depend on the length of time I’d be in the other time zone and the activities I’d be engaged in. My last trip took me to Boston (EST)from Madison, WI (CST) to again participate in the Joslin 50 Year Medalist Study. My 3 day trip was filled with fasting labs and a variety of clinical procedures that took priority over my normal schedule. I changed the time on my watch arriving in Boston and again upon leaving, but did not change the time on my pump.
It depends on how long I will be in that time zone. If 4 hours no, longer yes.
Not much traveling lately, but for a one hour difference I put sometimes. The truth is I would probably forget.
I do change my time, but only if I will be there for more than a day.
Only if staying for a few weeks
If it is just for the day (eg. business), I haven’t bothered. When an overnight, or longer is involved – I’ve always changed it.
Yes, but you have to be aware your body isn’t adjusted to “morning” when you leave in the afternoon at home if going cross-country backwards. Some additional or lowered basal may be needed for 24 hours