For insulin pump users: What was the format of your most recent pump training? If you had a multi-step training process, please select all that apply.
Home > LC Polls > For insulin pump users: What was the format of your most recent pump training? If you had a multi-step training process, please select all that apply.
Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
I got my pump nearly 4 years ago and the training was in person. Tandem updates the software ever so often and you have to do an online training to install the updates.
An Omnipod trainer came to my office and showed me how to use it when I first started. When I upgraded to the next Omnipod, I just used the instructions. It wasn’t very different.
I would have liked an in-person training option and I requested it, but I was told to take the virtual training (videos) first, and if I still had questions to call someone. I was not happy with that response. They were avoiding in-person training at all levels, which does not support the patient. I had a couple of questions and when I called and requested help, the “trainer” seemed impatient and annoyed. It was not a good experience.
I received training from the very same Medtronic/MiniMed Trainer for my Medtronic 780G pump as I did for my Medtronic 670G pump, and she remembered me, stating that there wouldn’t be too much of a difference to what I’d already learned, so it was just a matter of ‘going through the motions’, so to speak. I found it very straightforward, as I did when I’ve had previous Medtronic pumps. (She commented on the positive feedback that I’d given to Medtronic about my experience of my ‘teaching day(s)’.)
I had training with an excellent diabetes educator who had just learned the O5. She was still learning as it is new to our area and my doctor. I need to go back to talk about things. I am using manual most of the time as admittedly I am too controlling and don’t like the slow reaction and how much it lets me stay much higher than I like to be. I will try again after summer to return to the algorithm. Otherwise I am loving the pump. I would love for the company to update to OS so that I could use my phone as the controller. It is terribly difficult, bulky (and rather stressful) trying to keep up with two devices.
I’ve been Pumping since 1998, Disetronic, Animas, and now on Tandem w/CIQ and I Lost Power on Pump and had to “reprogram it” so it was mostly Virtual and by Phone. Greatest thing since sliced bread as my father said in 1950 when he went from MDI to NPH 1 a day.
I requested in person training with my Tandem pump because I wanted hands-on instruction. Coming from just two years with an Animas Vibe as my first pump I had a lot of general pump questions in addition to very specific Tandem settings questions. At first Tandem said that training was only being offered virtually (May, 2021) but then the rep, who had previously been my CDE, arranged for my current CDE (also a certified Tandem trainer)to do the in person training. It was the best solution for what could have been a difficult problem. Not only did I get questions answered but using my chart history the correct settings were entered. That made the steep learning curve for the Tandem pump a lot easier. I used the Tandem video tutorials to help me remember the steps when changing the insulin cartridge the first couple of times, but having the first training in person made the whole process less stressful.
My pump training was back in 2003, when I started with my Animas pump. It was in person at my doctor’s office with both, the Animas pump trainer and my Doctor.
Then when I started with my first Tandem pump, they had another pump training session and the person who trained me on my Animas pump in 2003 was working for Tandem as a pump trainer and was the one who trained me on my Tandem tSlim G4 pump in 2015.
For insulin pump users: What was the format of your most recent pump training? If you had a multi-step training process, please select all that apply. Cancel reply
In person at Starbucks by the traveling trainer teaching TruSteel insertions. TruSteel is great. So was the coffee. But both are a little pricey.
It was several years ago
Tandem Control IQ training. All done on my computer via a video teaching program. It worked well.
I got my pump nearly 4 years ago and the training was in person. Tandem updates the software ever so often and you have to do an online training to install the updates.
An Omnipod trainer came to my office and showed me how to use it when I first started. When I upgraded to the next Omnipod, I just used the instructions. It wasn’t very different.
Tandem sent me to different YouTube video’s to watch before I could go from Basal IQ to Control IQ.
I would have liked an in-person training option and I requested it, but I was told to take the virtual training (videos) first, and if I still had questions to call someone. I was not happy with that response. They were avoiding in-person training at all levels, which does not support the patient. I had a couple of questions and when I called and requested help, the “trainer” seemed impatient and annoyed. It was not a good experience.
I received training from the very same Medtronic/MiniMed Trainer for my Medtronic 780G pump as I did for my Medtronic 670G pump, and she remembered me, stating that there wouldn’t be too much of a difference to what I’d already learned, so it was just a matter of ‘going through the motions’, so to speak. I found it very straightforward, as I did when I’ve had previous Medtronic pumps. (She commented on the positive feedback that I’d given to Medtronic about my experience of my ‘teaching day(s)’.)
Recently went from dumb pump to smart pump (control iq). Did the videos required by Tandem. Could have read the manual.
I had training with an excellent diabetes educator who had just learned the O5. She was still learning as it is new to our area and my doctor. I need to go back to talk about things. I am using manual most of the time as admittedly I am too controlling and don’t like the slow reaction and how much it lets me stay much higher than I like to be. I will try again after summer to return to the algorithm. Otherwise I am loving the pump. I would love for the company to update to OS so that I could use my phone as the controller. It is terribly difficult, bulky (and rather stressful) trying to keep up with two devices.
I answered “other” as I, quite honestly, don’t remember what format of training, if any, that I took!
I’ve been Pumping since 1998, Disetronic, Animas, and now on Tandem w/CIQ and I Lost Power on Pump and had to “reprogram it” so it was mostly Virtual and by Phone. Greatest thing since sliced bread as my father said in 1950 when he went from MDI to NPH 1 a day.
I requested in person training with my Tandem pump because I wanted hands-on instruction. Coming from just two years with an Animas Vibe as my first pump I had a lot of general pump questions in addition to very specific Tandem settings questions. At first Tandem said that training was only being offered virtually (May, 2021) but then the rep, who had previously been my CDE, arranged for my current CDE (also a certified Tandem trainer)to do the in person training. It was the best solution for what could have been a difficult problem. Not only did I get questions answered but using my chart history the correct settings were entered. That made the steep learning curve for the Tandem pump a lot easier. I used the Tandem video tutorials to help me remember the steps when changing the insulin cartridge the first couple of times, but having the first training in person made the whole process less stressful.
20 years ago it was in person at my home (My Cozmore pump). Subsequent pumps have been online.
Was trained ten years ago when I started with Medtronic. Subsequent models didn’t require more training.
My pump training was back in 2003, when I started with my Animas pump. It was in person at my doctor’s office with both, the Animas pump trainer and my Doctor.
Then when I started with my first Tandem pump, they had another pump training session and the person who trained me on my Animas pump in 2003 was working for Tandem as a pump trainer and was the one who trained me on my Tandem tSlim G4 pump in 2015.
I don’t use
Individually with a trainer
In person is best for a new pumper or a new brand of pump.
In person – individually with a trainer. Thats, what I pay for, this is not the Military or a Company training class.
Training very sporadic. Hope new minimed to be better