Sarah Howard (nee Tackett) has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Manager of Marketing at T1D Exchange.
67 years and counting. Use to have to boil my syringes and needles on the stove. Used strips to check my urine that told me what my blood sugar was 2 hours prior. We’ve come a LONG way baby.
This is one of the more interesting statistics. Being a T1D, I almost always feel alone with this disease, and am unaware of other T1D’s out there. I thought I might be one of the longest living T1D’s with the disease for 44 years. Now I know that there are many who have lived much longer. Congratulations to all of the long timers. I hope to get to the top of the percentile.
Hopefully, you’ll have many more than that! My parents were told I’d be lucky to get to 20 years old (diagnosed at 16 months), but I turned 70 in March and am doing pretty well.
I was Dx’d in 1956, 65 years for me. Not doing too bad. Better than my dad at this age, he was Dx’d in 1931 and died in 2000. My eldest of three sons (34 years with T1D) and his daughter (1.5 years with T1D) also have T1D.
I was a ‘late bloomer’, 15 yo at Dx in ’64 so I’m at T1 year 57. Dad was a LADA Dxed in ’40, passed after 49 yrs T1. On Dex & Tandem CIQ, hope to replace it at least 2 more times (at least 82 yo)
Seeing these comments from yall more seasoned diabetics make me really happy. So amazing to see so many long lives with diabetes. Just had my 18th dx anniversary myself!
53+ years.
Diagnosed at 11 months old, Jan 1968. I’m blessed to not have any other autoimmune issues, nor any complications from diabetes. Happy, Healthy… and unless I die of something else, I’ll probably live to be at least 95, therefore be possibly the oldest living T1. ???
This past April marked 34 years for me.
Amazing that 17% of us are in the over 50 group
67 years and counting. Use to have to boil my syringes and needles on the stove. Used strips to check my urine that told me what my blood sugar was 2 hours prior. We’ve come a LONG way baby.
It’s nice to have the tools and insulin that have gotten better during my duration as well (36 years). I hope they continue to improve.
13 years this past April
This is one of the more interesting statistics. Being a T1D, I almost always feel alone with this disease, and am unaware of other T1D’s out there. I thought I might be one of the longest living T1D’s with the disease for 44 years. Now I know that there are many who have lived much longer. Congratulations to all of the long timers. I hope to get to the top of the percentile.
I feel exactly the same! And I thought I was a long-timer at 37 years. This is so encouraging and delightful!!
It is “many” in our group, but we are enriched in long timers. I wonder what the national/international numbers are…
59 long years.
49 years next month. No complications, praise God!
68 years here!
Diagnosed in Sept, 1945. Type 1 for 75 years. No serious complications.
59 years, diagnosed at age 8. And I figure I have another 12 to 18 of good life years before I depart this earthly body.
Hopefully, you’ll have many more than that! My parents were told I’d be lucky to get to 20 years old (diagnosed at 16 months), but I turned 70 in March and am doing pretty well.
Some days living, Some days surviving
43 years.
I’m 39 years, this year, my younger brother is 49 years and his daughter is 17 years as T1D.
Dx. June 8 or 15 1983, 38 years
I’m a Diabetes Warrior!
21 years on July 20 :-\
I turned 70 in March and next Thursday, July 8, (my mom’s 94th birthday), I will have been diagnosed with Type 1 for 69 years!
I was Dx’d in 1956, 65 years for me. Not doing too bad. Better than my dad at this age, he was Dx’d in 1931 and died in 2000. My eldest of three sons (34 years with T1D) and his daughter (1.5 years with T1D) also have T1D.
20 years for my son. 53 years for me.
66 yrs, dx at 8 in 1955
I will have been diagnosed 60 years in November! Age 6 in 1961.
I was a ‘late bloomer’, 15 yo at Dx in ’64 so I’m at T1 year 57. Dad was a LADA Dxed in ’40, passed after 49 yrs T1. On Dex & Tandem CIQ, hope to replace it at least 2 more times (at least 82 yo)
59 years this month- diagnosed at age 11 in 1962
Diagnosed in April of 1963. That makes 58 years.
It’s 56 years. Diagnosed when I was 12. Used UltraLente for something like the first 25 years, sometimes mixed with Regular. Lots has changed.
Seeing these comments from yall more seasoned diabetics make me really happy. So amazing to see so many long lives with diabetes. Just had my 18th dx anniversary myself!
I have been T1D for about 45 years. No serious complications, just frozen & sore shoulders for the past ~ 10 years.
53+ years.
Diagnosed at 11 months old, Jan 1968. I’m blessed to not have any other autoimmune issues, nor any complications from diabetes. Happy, Healthy… and unless I die of something else, I’ll probably live to be at least 95, therefore be possibly the oldest living T1. ???
50 years in November this year!
64 yrs & counting, my original Endo said if I took perfect care I might see 40 74 & still kicking!
Diagnosed 55 years ago and doing well with no complications.
Fifty four years (54) and I’m a US Naval Aviation Vet.