Do you usually change the time on your glucose meter and/or insulin pump for Daylight Savings Time?
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This should be put to a end this daylight saving. I find it’s a real disruption to my schedule, sleep, meds and all.
I would like the change to end, but I would prefer our times to always stay on daylight savings time instead of standard time. I much prefer light in the evenings otherwise I feel like it is bedtime.
My CGM updates automatically with my phone.
I find that my Tandem t:slim x2 doesn’t actually keep great time — when I went to change the time today, it was 1 hour *and 6 minutes* off. And since I often use my pump to check the time (it’s ever-present, anyway, so why wear a watch?) I do want it to be at the correct time.
I agree that the Tandem is “time-challenged” and the time must be reset regularly. (Still love the pump but there is some room for improvement.)
Yes, and thanks for reminding me to change my pump! 😉
I keep my FL2 reader in Daylight Savings Time year round as that’s the dominant phase (and can’t be bothered to change the time in the settings). In fact, I also keep the year dialled one year back, as I occasionally use an expired sensor and have no idea whether the reader will accept or reject it under proper time coding.
I said YES but it can be a while before I remember. I changed my pump but not my glucometer. Anybody else think it is strange that when you type in glucometer on this site it underlines it red like you’ve misspelled it? Have I? Anyway going to go do my glucometer before I forget 😂.
An update: when I checked it was changed. I’d forgotten that I remembered to change it. ☺️ .
I remember to change it, but every time, I expect to have to change a few basal rates the next few weeks.
My pump, yes. The meter I don’t bother with since I use my CGM in conjunction with the pump.
I have used five pumps in my 39-year pumping history. Never ever had a problem or a warning that I will be self-destructing. Does someone know of why not to set for DST?
My glucose meter is connected to my pump. When I change the time on my pump it automatically changes with it.
If I don’t forget–thanks for the reminder!
I’m actually a yes and no. My pump I do, but my glucometer not really
I can’t see why anyone would leave pump and meter on Standard Time unless your state doesn’t honor DST.
I changed my pump around 12:45am. I have multiple basal rates between midnight-9am but since my BG was running slightly higher than usual (but not high) I decided getting an hour closer to a higher basal rate (starting at 3am) would be a good thing.
I put yes, but often late. Thanks for reminding me! 😄