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Yes, because I eat low carb, but not because I am trying to avoid gluten.
Yes, to avoid the carbs.
Sometimes those gluten free products are high in carbs and sugar content, so my answer is NO
Normally no.
But right now I’m doing a keto/low carb diet and that makes it so I don’t eat any gluten right now.
But did you know ‘gluten free’ generally means they replace wheat flour with rice flour? Because of that ‘gluten free’ has a higher % of carbs by weight. I personally avoid gluten free (and rice) for that reason alone, just requires more insulin on board.
Yes- T1D son is also celiac
Depends- if they label something that has never ever had gluten as “gluten free” then sure I’ll consume it. But if it’s something like bread then hell no, has way more carbs than normal versions because of all the rice flour switched in.
A most overhyped condition. Gluten sensitivity is very rare. Companies using it to make money.
This is true for the overall population, but the t1d community has a higher likelihood of developing celiac disease. Unfortunately, my daughter was diagnosed with celiac disease at 2 years old.
my husband has a gluten sensitivity, so we do not include gluten in our meals.
I eat grain free mostly because it is a great way for me to cut carbs. I do eat legumes but no regular potatoes. I do enjoy a small portion of sweet potato on occasion. I am not crazy OCD about these self designed rules like if I eat a stew that has potatoes I just pick out the big chunks. And if there is a sauce that someone has thickened with a bit of flour I will be quiet about it and just take it into account. But I don’t eat rice, oats barley or wheat for the most part. I have been eating grain free for around 7 years. It makes a big difference in my BS management.
Low carb following Dr Bernstein recommendations is gluten free. Not because of sensitivity but because of better glucose control.
I typically attempt to eat grain free which tends to be better on my blood sugar levels.
Tested negative for celiac’s, so no. Except that it’s carb-intensive stuff so I generally avoid grains anyway, but not because of gluten.
Yes. I have Celiac disease in addition to T1D. My diet has always been vegetables, fruits and grains. I try not to eat a lot of meat. I make my own gluten free bread from Bob’s Red Mill mixes, and Pamela’s mixes. I eat gluten free cereal for breakfast, with fruit. I’ve cut out a lot of prefab foods that contain gluten.
Yes – but only because I eat very low carb and zero grains. I did have a full autoimmune panel not too long ago and had nothing come up for celiac.
I have no conditions that require gluten-free diet. I eat balanced meals with a variety of foods each day. No need for ‘special’ or fad diets.