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• Vitamin C 1,000 mg a.m.
• Vitamin C 1,000 mg p.m.
• Vitamin B complex a.m.
• CoQ10 100 mg a.m.
Had taken Vitamin E for a few years in early 1990’s, but studies showed it wasn’t all that effective.
I used to but haven’t for years. I get the nutrients I need to sustain the life force in my body by eating a wholesome and balanced intake of healthy and nutritious food choices from various plant and animal sources.
I take individual vitamins C, D, B12, B Complex.
I take 1000IU of Vitamin D3. Was having problems with exhaustion and dizziness. The vitamin D seems to have helped.
D3, CoQ10, B complex, magnesium, juice plus, and an occasional cheeseburger.
Gee, never considered a cheeseburger a vitamin!
No but I do take turmeric for joint pain. Occasional calcium and E
Yes and d3, calcium, B complex, biotin, Reversetrol, Q 10, EFAs, and a probiotic, as well as what my diabetologist calls the standard cocktail of Lisinipril, Simvastatin, for me Levothyroxin.
Yes, I do. Why? Because my body deserves all the nutrients it can get and I know I am not eating enough fruits and veggies to do that.
I also have switched to the gummy form of vitamins because the pill forms are huge and I have literally choked trying to swallow them. Who needs that?
I used to but my nephrologist took me off all otc supplements except fish oil.
Not a multivitamin, but vitamin D, B12 and fish oil.
I take multiple vitamins daily, but not a multivitamin.
I also take acidophilis, collagen, calcium & zinc, magnesium, baby aspirin, C, eye care, fish oil, as well as a multiple for 50+ age women. Sometimes I take easy iron and next I might consider Ginko Biloba. Who knows if this is too much of a good thing, but it gives me peace of mind that I am trying to stay well.
no I cannot swallow pills but I talke airborne every day
No, but I do take 1000 IU D3, 400mg magnesium and 600mg calcium citrate on a daily basis.
No. I take Vitamin D and an iron supplement as advised by my doctor.
I am prescribed a prenatal vitamin which contains 29mg of Fe needed for anemia. If this were not needed a multi would not be taken.
I take the ” A reds 2 ” for AMD..
I would take one more often but so many brands have too many carbs (e.g., gummies) or give me indigestion. 🙁
I don’t take a multivitamin, but I do use several supplements. I take salmon oil for antioxidants & Vit D3, a small dose of calcium, a combo of biotin, selenium, and zinc for my hair, and magnesium citrate for leg cramps. Also a probiotic blend for women.
No. My endo said if I’m eating a balanced diet and getting exercise, a multivitamin is unnecessary. I trust him and I do not like to throw a pill at something that can be corrected with wise eating decisions.