Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
While I don’t have anything yet, I am always concerned about thyroid stuff. Anxiety and hyperthyroid can feel similar to me. I just keep getting that blood work checked and it’s the number one reason I see my endo every 3 to 4 months.
In addition to Type I, enteropathic arthritis (I marked Crohn’s and rheumatoid arthritis), Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, I also have seborheic dermatitis. Don’t know if that’s autoimmune.
Stacia, yes it does—under the thyroid disease category. I have that too. Never heard it called Hashimoto by any of my doctors, but I believe Hashimoto is a type of low thyroid.
I have Hashimoto’s as does every member of my mother’s family.
I also have extremely high GAD 65 antibodies (above 25,000) which causes some if not all of my epileptic seizures.
I assume GAD 65 antibodies were the cause of all of my autoimmune problems as a few years after a vitamin b deficiency, epilepsy happened, then thyroid, then T1D.
I will be grateful not to gain many more of the autoimmune conditions my mother’s family has.
Was diagnosed with UC @15 years ago. Very stressful time in my life, which is what I think caused it. My doctor thinks if’s because of my diabetes (over 50 years). Psoriasis just diagnosed in the past 6 months.
Mild skin cancer. Once a year for past 3 years at least one small melanoma has been surgically removed using local anesthetic in a doctor’s office. For past two years they’ve been removed by dermatology specialist. No big deal. Cancer is an auto-immune disease. Why didn’t you include it? Also just this year an endoscopy revealed celiac disease. Since I’m already on a low carb diet, and do not pasta, bread or grains the diagnosis made no difference in my life except maybe to explain an anomalous factor in past lab tests.
T1 – 50 years ago. First misdiagnosed as a UTI.
Hashimoto’s – 25 years ago. This one was diagnosed correctly.
Seronegative Inflammatory arthritis – 10 years ago. Diagnosed as RA, but questioned by more than one specialist. May be psoriatic.
Possible pustular psoriasis – awaiting specialist confirmation. Misdiagnosed as folliculits.
Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis (most likely another autoimmune disease) – more than 10 years. Misdiagnosed as vitiligo.
Can’t get the auto-antibody testing that’s recommended every 2 years for those of us with Polyglandular Autoimmune Syndrome. My doctors know nothing about this condition, including my primary care doc and multiple specialists – and can’t be bothered to learn. There could well be more as yet undiagnosed autoimmune issues going on.
I seem to be diagnosed with a new autoimmune disease regularly. Most significant being CIDP chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. Another is burning mouth syndrome which has a surprising effect on my quality of life. Several skin conditions which effect the use of the pump and cgm
While I don’t have anything yet, I am always concerned about thyroid stuff. Anxiety and hyperthyroid can feel similar to me. I just keep getting that blood work checked and it’s the number one reason I see my endo every 3 to 4 months.
In addition to Hashimoto’s and T1, I have pernicious anemia and autoimmune hepatitis.
Where is the option for “None”? I answered N/A, even though as a person with T1D the question is, in fact, applicable.
T1D Exchange has asked this question before. For those of us who have answered it in previous QOTD surveys, does it skew the outcome data? Or not?
Hemalytic anemia and vitiligo in addition to type 1 and Graves. Diagnosed with Polyglandular Autoimmune Syndrome.
There should have been an option that said “NO” so I checked N/A.
N/A. Not sure yet. Seeing a rheumatologist in September.
I was diagnosed with vitiligo more than 10 years prior to my T1D diagnosis. Just diagnosed with T1D last year.
I have Moyamoya Disease. It’s thought it maybe autoimmune, no one wants to do research on it though, because it’s it not a money maker.
I have Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
I am a 3-time winner. T1D – RA – AS
T1 65 yrs: other autoimmune diseases – Vitiligo 30 yrs, Unknown Autoimmune Disease 21 yrs.,
In addition to Type I, enteropathic arthritis (I marked Crohn’s and rheumatoid arthritis), Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, I also have seborheic dermatitis. Don’t know if that’s autoimmune.
Not sure if this counts, but I have hypothyroidism.
Stacia, yes it does—under the thyroid disease category. I have that too. Never heard it called Hashimoto by any of my doctors, but I believe Hashimoto is a type of low thyroid.
Vitiligo Skin Disease
Pyronines Disease
Pernicious anemia- I get B-12 injections monthly.
me too, just diagnosed. Autoimmune atrophic gastritis. Need B-12 injections
I also have pernicious anemia. Was diagnosed with it close to 25 years before getting type 1.
I have Hashimoto’s as does every member of my mother’s family.
I also have extremely high GAD 65 antibodies (above 25,000) which causes some if not all of my epileptic seizures.
I assume GAD 65 antibodies were the cause of all of my autoimmune problems as a few years after a vitamin b deficiency, epilepsy happened, then thyroid, then T1D.
I will be grateful not to gain many more of the autoimmune conditions my mother’s family has.
Was diagnosed with UC @15 years ago. Very stressful time in my life, which is what I think caused it. My doctor thinks if’s because of my diabetes (over 50 years). Psoriasis just diagnosed in the past 6 months.
I was diagnosed with lymphocytic colitis which is autoimmune.
Mild skin cancer. Once a year for past 3 years at least one small melanoma has been surgically removed using local anesthetic in a doctor’s office. For past two years they’ve been removed by dermatology specialist. No big deal. Cancer is an auto-immune disease. Why didn’t you include it? Also just this year an endoscopy revealed celiac disease. Since I’m already on a low carb diet, and do not pasta, bread or grains the diagnosis made no difference in my life except maybe to explain an anomalous factor in past lab tests.
Thyroid disease and vitiligo, both diagnosed within a few years after my T1D.
T1 – 50 years ago. First misdiagnosed as a UTI.
Hashimoto’s – 25 years ago. This one was diagnosed correctly.
Seronegative Inflammatory arthritis – 10 years ago. Diagnosed as RA, but questioned by more than one specialist. May be psoriatic.
Possible pustular psoriasis – awaiting specialist confirmation. Misdiagnosed as folliculits.
Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis (most likely another autoimmune disease) – more than 10 years. Misdiagnosed as vitiligo.
Can’t get the auto-antibody testing that’s recommended every 2 years for those of us with Polyglandular Autoimmune Syndrome. My doctors know nothing about this condition, including my primary care doc and multiple specialists – and can’t be bothered to learn. There could well be more as yet undiagnosed autoimmune issues going on.
T1D (for 7 years), Hypothyroidism (for 2 years), POTS (which some consider to be autoimmune, for 15 years)
I seem to be diagnosed with a new autoimmune disease regularly. Most significant being CIDP chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. Another is burning mouth syndrome which has a surprising effect on my quality of life. Several skin conditions which effect the use of the pump and cgm
I have Sjogren’s which is autoimmune and also lymphocytic colitis which is different from ulcerative colitis. Lymphocytic is autoimmune.