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Currently using an out-of-warranty 770g, working on moving to Tandem/Dexcom.
Medtronic 722 Paradigm with DIY Loop
Medtronic Paradigm 515
*** Looking for a backup for me and my son, older versions of these Medtronic Paradigm pumps include 515/715, 522/722, 523/723**** If you have a unused one please call or text me @ 203-907-6470 Tom
My son, almost eleven has been pumping for over nine years, (started two months post dx). We used the 530g until 3 years ago when we switched to Tslim.
use an original Omnipod Name I dont know. They are being discontinued in December. Have to find one that medicare will cover. The Omnipod 5 has a copay of $120.00 per month.
I want to switch to Omnipod but since medicare’s copayment is so high cannot do.
I don’t currently use a pump but I have the omnipod 5. I’ve had it for a month or so just waiting for training
In Uganda pumps are not accessible easily and also for the few that can be got they are very expensive
Went back to my old-school pager-style Paradigm after trying the Medtronic 670G, which sucked for me. My pump is dumb, but using it with a stand-alone Dexcom CGM I get better results than automode. Kinda soured me on the whole AID thing.
Medtronic 770G, but seriously considering Tandem after my warranty expires. It’s unfortunate since my 1st insulin pump was with MiniMed back in 2000. Medtronic purchased several years later and it was very noticeable to me very quickly the shift of treatment from MiniMed to Medtronic as a customer in a negative way. Besides that, from what I have read the algorithm of Tandem seems to be much better and advanced.
medtronic 670G.. but only because I am stuck in contract.
I am very sorry for you
Have they fixed the recalls for you? If you have not, please at least call the to get it fixed
Just switched to DASH using with DIY Loop so can set remote overrides and boluses for my kiddo. So nice to have her just carry an iPhone now.
I have a 530G that just ran out of warranty on February 4th, so am looking. I really like the simplicity of reloading the Medtronic pump, and am worried that the T-Slim pump is rather complicated. Be interesting to hear what others have to say about it. Also don’t like the fact it must be recharged. I change the batteries in my pump about every month or so. And now that I see the monthly cost of the Omnipod is so high I don’t think I want that one either. I definitely don’t want a Medtronic CGM as I’ve had really bad experiences with constant alarms and unreliability.
Hi, I am also retired, so wanted to reply. I was on Medtronic for many years an had the same concerns you listed. Changing to the Tslim x2 was not as difficult as I expected. I took the plunge and have not regretted it. Too many advantages.
I switched to TSlim when Animus left the market. I love it. It’s really not that difficult to change cartridges. I was a little concerned about the battery recharge also but I have an Anker battery pack that I use to recharge my phone and my pump. I can attach the battery pack to my pump and put it in my pocket…..so not a real problem and don’t have to worry about buying batteries!
I’m also semi-retired and glad!
Sorry, meant to say my current pump is a 630G. Thanks to those that responded about my concerns on switching to T-Slim.
I will say that my first two times changing the insulin cartridge was difficult for me and I thought I had made a mistake getting a pump. To make it easier for myself, I actually do it differently than how I was taught. I insert the syringe into the cartridge and pull out the amount of air that I plan to use of insulin. Then I put that air from the cartridge into the insulin vial and pull out the insulin from the vial. I then insert into cartridge. Charging isn’t difficult. Plug it in while showering or driving to work in your car or while on your computer. It doesn’t take long.
I read through all the comments first, so I guess I’ll be the one: I am a very happy user of the Omnipod 5 and now have much better results after getting things dialed in. The dialed in part takes a few weeks to learn how you respond. It works perfectly with the G6. The only issue for me is that my android phone doesn’t yet have the app to control the 5. Once that happens (maybe after the next ice age) I will be happy. My insurance coverage paid for the pump, but doesn’t cover 100% of the pods, so I have a $50 co-pay. But I accept that for the joy of being tubeless.
Never got suckered into MM/M and I’ve lost too many of my Personal Diabuddies to those. On G6 and Tandem CIQ w/A1c 5.4-5.6 and very Happy and stable
Congratulations on great A1cs. Do you mind sharing monthly cost? Are you on Medicare? Are you on a low carb diet?
I’m on the T-slim paired with Dexcom g6 allowing for CIQ. Happy with results most of the time. My T1d responds well when life cooperates. When my numbers go high or low they tend to need a more aggressive response such as juice, or exercise, or stopping whatever is happening until things are back on track. So the automated approach only goes so far but for me the Tandem/Dexcom is the way to go at the moment.
My 770G warranty expired the first week in January. Took about a month to get a Endo visit and Medicare to aprove a Tslim and G6.
Been on the Tslim almost a week now. The control was easy to set up. Start with your MM settings. The Tandem tconnect app for the phone shows how the algorithm is responding to rising/decreaseing/steady SG levels. The touch screen is easier to use than drilling through 4 or 5 menus.
The first problem I had was it’s a bit tricky to get it to link to your phone. The instructions here are lacking here.
The Dex G6 is 100 % better CGM!
I didn’t like the holster and belt clip. Amazon (of course) had a velcro case that works much better for me. They also have a little resivor filling fixture that looks to make juggling the syringe and resivor easier. Awaiting dilevery.
It will take some tweaking of carb ratio and basil levels, but that’s to be expected from any pump change.
I am also in the process of switching from Medtronic 770g to Tandem. My reason is for Control IQ which I feel will be a better fit for me. Medtronic’s algorithm doesn’t work for me. The Guardian sensors do actually work great for me but I am looking forward to no calibrations with the Dexcom!
It has been reported that Tricare (insurance for US military members and families) will start approving Omnipod 5 on February 15! Hopefully we can all move to OP5 soon.
I have been using the Omnipod brand since 2018. Just started the Omnipod 5 in December and I love it! It does take some time for it to learn my patterns but it is doing a really great job of keeping me steady and I am rarely woken up with GCM alarms at night since starting it. I love that it is tubeless and there are several sites where I can attach it and it stays on in water.
I moved from Medtronic 670G to Tandem in order to be able to use the Dexcom Sensor. If I had my druthers I would prefer to use the Minimed pump with the Dexcom sensor. Not having to continuously calibrate is a godsend. After 4 or 5 months my control is still not as good as it was with the Medtronic pump, maybe because I had to go back to Novolog from Fiasp.
I am _currently_ on Omnipod Classic. They are discontinuing it, so I will be moving to Tandem T-Slim soon (but not quite there yet.)
I used the Medtronic closed loop system 670G. I was so excited. Then all the problems and insanity coming out of representatives mouths. I threw it in the trash when I learned because I paid for it, I could get a new pump of my choice at insurance cost. I went back to Tandem because my insurance would not cover the tubeless Omnipod. I figured I better stick with what I know works. With all the recalls on the Medtronic system I hear they no longer use the CGM that was rechargeable and many more. Most of the recalls I complained about and was told I was using the system wrong or did I know the blood glucose could be off by as much as 70. I told the rep right then and there, what was the point in using it. Now on a regular basis the recalls and push to return the pump due to the danger it can cause makes me sad. Sad no one would listen, sad I had to suffer through 2 car accidents and lose my license twice before calling my insurance and checking my options. Tandem is a piece of gold compare to Medtronic. Sorry I tend to rant on comparison, my apologies
Ha! Jen, doesn’t the Bill of Rights give us the right to rant? If someone doesn’t like a rant, they don’t have to read it. Or, they can respectfully respond in a civil manner. 💕😀
medtronic 530g
I was a long-time Medtronic pump user prior to switching to Tandem. The ability to use the Dexcom CGM and have smartphone apps to manage BG was a major factor.
The original OMNIPOD that uses Freestyle strips. Has no other name so I take it that it is an earlier model than what is currently offered. In fact, Insulet is phasing it out over the next year or so.