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I wear a Medtronic 530G. When I first got it in August 2016, it was right before the 630 came out. The intention was to eventually upgrade me once it was officially on the market, but between changing endocrinologists, moving, and other circumstances, that never happened. Now my current endo has talked with me about switching to either the 770 or the T-slim.
Word of advice based on experience from a former Medtronic pumper: Go with the Tslim X2 – you can upgrade features as needed without having to wait for the next series model as you do with Medtronic pumps. That is one of the blessings of the Tslim X2.
Use the original Omnipod. Don’t see anything that says the model. Omnipod badgers people to switch to dash. Not carrying an extra meter and messing with doses. Their website doesn’t even say what the Omnipod UST400 is.
I think that’s the original OmniPod PDM.
I shouldn’t have to make a comment in order to read the comments after answering the question. Does it work this way for others?
@Dave Barden.
It doesn’t work that way for me, sir. I simply click on the button that says View Comments.
It’s only been in the last few weeks that I’ve been able to comment as, for some reason, that functionality was removed from me. (I tried writing emails to T1D Exchange several times to find out why, but no-one had the common decency to respond to my question.)
Dave and others – It used to be so much simpler to use the TID Exchange platform to answer the QoD, make edits/corrections if needed, and to comment and add additional comments in a thread. I don’t know why the managers of the site changed things from the ways that worked so well for many of us who have been answering the QoD for several years.
I get that change and innovation is great and sometimes necessary, but why mess with what works and “fix” what’s not broken?
Thank you for your comment and for being an active member in our Online Community! My apologizes that your comment box isn’t working. Could you please email admin@t1dexchange.org and we can look further into your issue.
Dave: no it doesn’t work that way for me. I usually answer via an IPhone XR. I scroll down after answering the questions and there is a view comments button.
Interesting. Thx for replying I have an old iPhone SE. maybe it’s the phone…
I have the Tandem t-slim. I like the many features it has.
Omnipod dash for me. My insurance doesn’t cover the old one so that was that. Loving the tubeless life.
I wear Roche Accu-Chek Spirit Combo + Aaps. I think it is the best option currently available
Using AAPS with omnipod. AAPS is a game changer
I’ve been using the Tandem t:slim X2 with Control IQ for four months now and love it. My time in range is greater than 85% now and nighttime lows are a thing of the past. I just wish it was tubeless and waterproof like the Omnipod which I used for four years. Having to disconnect for softball, surfing and other water activities does complicate things.
I have only ever used Medtronic pumps for 16+ years, currently on the 770g. Sensors do work great for me but their algorithm does not so I run in manual mode. Still unsure if I want to look into Tandem when my warranty is up in another year+. Don’t like the rechargeable battery aspect which makes the pump have a limited life. I can go back and use my 16 year old Medtronic pump in an emergency. You can’t store an old Tandem for very long and expect the battery to still work.
With the way insurance is (mine has gotten worse and worse over the years) you can’t guarantee that you can get or afford a new pump every 4 years so switching to something with a limited life scares me.
Being able to recharge is one of the positives in my book. I charge when I am in the shower and if need be, I can charge while at my computer or in the car. During a week long power outage, I used a portable charger thingy. I like not having too save up old batteries and searching for a place to responsibly dispose of them
I switched when insurance would cover the tandem pump. Tandem had deal to switch while still in warranty making things more affordable. I also had algorithm problems with Medtronic cgm, constant suspend alarms especially at night. The Dexcom pairing with the t-slim works so much better for me.
The Tandem x2 uses a charging cable with USB on one end that can be plugged into a laptop, desktop or iPhone charger in the car or at home. No batteries needed.
What’s omnipod UST400? Is it Eros? I chose other model because Eros isn’t listed
Me too! I use Eros and chose other. I also use AAPS, like Carlos Gonzalez Perez. It works great.
I’m also using AAPS. I love it!
I’m using the TANDEM x2 and loving it. A closed-loop system is closer to having a functioning pancreas than doing shots.
Used Medtronic pump first then moved on the tandem t-slim x2 and Dexcom g4 combo. Still with that combo on the g6 now. Very pleased with the results.
I’m waiting out two more years of my Medtronic 670G warranty to move to the Tandem Tslim. Can’t wait!!! Wish I could do it right now!!!
Old school Medtronics 523 used w/DIY Loop, would love to find an old Medtronics 715, 722 or 723 with the larger reservoir. Reach out if you are willing to part with it.
I will never go back to a pump with tubes. So I will be on the original Omnipod until they come up with a model that integrates with my Dexcom G6.
Tubing for perfection is worth the trade to tandem!
Upgraded to the 670G when it came out, hated it, went back to my old pump. Still kickin it old school with my Paradigm 723.
What are the pros of Tandem vs. a Medtronic pump? I’ve been a Medtronic user for a while just because of insurance. Is it worth a switch over?
The Control IQ algorithm and Dexcom G6 CGM work together to automate micro adjustments of insulin to both increase and decrease based on your BG value from the Dexcom G6 CGM. You still need and want to nail your carb counts and pre-bolus if needed but the Control IQ makes all of that a little more forgiving. I found that the Control IQ was most beneficial with regards to sleep and adjusting the basal rate through the night and put a stop to lows or highs. The technology is fantastic except when your CGM fails or has calibration issues.
Love my Tandem tslim x 2 pump! So blessed
I love all aspects of the tandem the only thing that is a tad bit bothersome is the appendage aspect of the pump. If tandem and Omnipod were to merge together I think that would be the cats meow.🙏🤞🤞
The Tandem pump has plusses, such as HQ technology to link with a Dexcom G6 CGM. Some view rechargeable battery as a plus over the 357 batteries used by the Medtronic pumps. I would argue that is also a disadvantage in that you must recharge after two days, and the process will take enough time that you will be annoyed by several alarms. And if you forget the charger on a trip, you have a problem not solved by a trip to the drug store. The cartridge system requires a good eye and a steady hand, since you must stab a needle just so into a small white dot not once but twice. There is no temporary rate if you are using HQ. The pump alarms when you accidentally choose bolus and don’t want one. It seems incapable of accepting no for an answer and will continue to tell you the bolus has not been delivered until you break down and deliver a bolus. As a CGM receiver, the pump is incapable of receiving the signal when the CGM is on the opposite side of the body from the pump. Inserting the charging cord into the slot is made difficult by not going with the symmetric C-connector. I’ve heard that the pump’s delivery system may not be compatible with fiAsp insulin. A good pump, but be prepared for a few frustrations.
I answered Medtronic 670G but am in the process of switching to t:slim X2. Should be here by next week. 🤞
I used the Accu-Chek Spirit Combo pump until 8/11/2021. I was sorry to say goodbye to it, I started with Disetronic in 1997 and have had several updates along the way. They served me well.
I’m retired, so I can eat same meals at same times every day. So I can achieve bgs in 70 to 130 range 92% of the time using MDI and Dex G6. If I was raising kids, had a job with unpredictable times of exercise, was rehabbing a house & taking a welding course it would be a different story. In my busier past I had many hypoglycemic nighttime episodes. Just having a CGM, let alone a pump, would have prevented most of these.