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I use the Libre 14 day system. I plan to switch once the Dexcom 7 becomes available. I prefer the smaller size of the 7 over the 6 and, hence, the reason I like Libre due to its size.
I have only had 1 cgm which is the Abbott 14 day Freestyle Libre. Because I am a senior, I have learned this system and have no complaints, except for the accuracy that doesn’t compare with the blood tests on meter. Which cgms have the best accuracy? I use a reader because my phone is the Jitterbug Flip! Please tell me about accuracy, thanks
Actually, ma’am, you’ll find that with all CGM readings as the sensors read from interstitial fluid … the fluid between your body’s cells … which ‘takes time’ to get there. i.e. you’ll be seeing what your blood glucose level was some hour to hour and a half ago, whereas fingerstick blood glucose readings give you a reading of what your blood glucose level is right at that very minute.
the 14 day Libre does not read as often as the Libre 2. I was in the same boat and switched to the Libre 2. It is MUCH better than the 14 day!
As far as I know, Dexcom G6 is still the only one approved for insulin dosing. To me, that means it should be the most accurate. I have had great luck with it. A couple times a year I get one that has to be calibrated. Otherwise I just check with a meter once or twice when I start a new one. Usually matches well. Other times, when I have thought it had to be wrong, a meter verified what it was reading.
Dexcom G6 is the most accurate.
In my experience with DEXCOM sensors, my interstitial fluid glucose level is only about 15-20 minutes behind my blood glucose level, not nearly an hour or more. If it lagged that much I would not find a CGM worth using. On the other hand, I’m sure everyone is different in this regard and it must matter where the sensor is placed (I use my belly, as they recommend). I’ve found the G6 to be quite accurate, but I’ve run into some quality control issues with sensors. Moreover, the first and the last days are generally much less reliable. Given that variability and the quality control issues, I don’t understand how anyone could rely on the G6 in a closed-loop system. I wish the FDA would accept real world user data rather than relying entirely on company-sponsored trials with little if any independent follow-up. I have all my own data going back years to the G4 that I’d be happy to share, and I’m probably not alone.
Insurance forced me to switch from Dexcom to FSL last year. Have new insurance but have decided to stick with freestyle. I miss seeing numbers on Apple Watch but I find I’m not so OCD and don’t stack insulin and go low as much. When the FSL3 comes out will be so small and have ability to give reading the same as Dexcom on phone and watch. Already out in Europe and just waiting for approval here.
Was formerly on the Medtronic Enlite and what a disaster, wrong readings all the time and alarms like crazy as well as constant alarms to force calibration. Been on G6 for a couple of years and its wonderful. Waiting for G7 since it will be a combo sensor and transmitter all in one.
I use the Medtronic Guardian 3 Sensors, but NOT the Medtronic Guardian 2 Link Sensors.
Oops! That should, of course, have read the Medtronic Guardian 3 Link Sensors.
Libre 2 is the only CGM I’ve ever used. My endocrinologist gave me a starter set to try the technology because it has an alarm system. My deaf 85 year old husband cannot help with anything, so thi has become a critical tool. Having an Apple phone makes this all very easy to use and very accurate. I’ve cross checked enough to trust the results. My one major qualm is the senor has to be in a narrow area on the back of my arm, so I can no longer sleep on that side.
I have only had the Dexcom G6. I looked into them before it was available and found I would still need a meter to test for insulin dosing. Seemed silly to have two things, so I didn’t get one. G6 solved that. I still have a meter for back up. Usually only have to do finger sticks a few times a month.
I started using Dexcom CGM, I don’t remember if in December 2007 or January 2008 (one of the first years Dexcom had a CGM available), and tried Freestyle Libre when insurance change forced the switch. Night and day difference in accuracy between Dexcom and Libre. Dexcom was always reasonably close to BG meter readings while Freestyle Libre readings were usually over 100 mg/dl higher or lower than my actual BG meter readings and ONLY gave close to accurate readings if connected to Ambrosia or Maio Maio Bluetooth transmitter to feed Libre data to xDrip on my phone. Readings on xDrip on my phone were then almost always nearly as accurate with Libre sensors as my Dexcom readings with their receiver OR my phone and xDrip, but even with the Bluetooth transmitter and accurate readings on xDrip from the Libre sensor, on the Libre receiver or phone app the readings were still consistently highly inaccurate.
As a result of the Libre inaccuracies, as soon as I obtained insurance again covering Dexcom, I dropped Freestyle Libre like a hot potato and switched back to Dexcom ASAP.
I would consider trying a switch to Eversense, but I will ONLY do so IF and WHEN Tandem follows through with an upgrade/update to their pump software making the tSlim pumps compatible with BOTH, Dexcom AND Eversense CGM systems, as Tandem was promising to be working on already when Eversense CGM system was released more than two years ago.
There is a reason that the Minimed has very little adoption. Their pump is bad and so is the Cgm. When mine expires in 2 years I am gladly going back to the g6 and the t-slim.
Have had good luck with the G6 but when doing an accuracy study with a monitor I find that I am getting a higher reading on the G6 most of the time, Anyone else have this same experience?
I use the Dexcom G6 . When I questioned the accuracy vs using a Contour glucose meter, my endo told me to rely on the G6. I’ve recently found the G6 sensor to be reading much lower or higher than my meter the first day of use. Since I no longer experience any symptoms of highs or lows I’m very dependent on accurate numbers.
When I first started using CGM , I went with the Libre 14 day. Now I have a Dexcom 6 and find it to be more accurate but higher in price, even with insurance. Worth it!
I’ve been using Libre for about five or six years now. I used a Dexcom G6 simultaneously for about a month, but found their system to be quite a bit less reliable on MY body. My primary care nurse has mentioned that in HER experience my problems are not at all unique.
On the G6 and loving it. I rely on it for my boluses. Quite accurate. It has giving me peace of mind during the night. I can now sleep without any worries.
I started with Dexcom 7+. Switched for about 3 years to Medtronic and they were hellish years for me. So went back to Dexcom, from 4 to 6 and looking forward to the G7.
Dexcom6 is what I’m on now, hoping that when the 7 arrives that those of us on Medicare won’t be forced to wait a long time until we can get the 7. I’ve always had problems with accuracy and found that it’s most accurate on my arms. I’ve tried my abdomen and those readings are way off so endocrinologist said to stick with my arms for now. I’d love to try the Eversense but it’s not offered at this endocrinology practice.
I have only ever used Medtronic. Started with the original SofSensors which worked very well for me. Moved on to the Enlite sensors after that and they were horrible. I tried for months and not a single sensor worked. Every one would drop to a very low number and stay there, not moving, no matter what my BG was. Every single one. My endo asked if I wanted to try Dexcom but I didn’t want to carry around yet another device (reader) for that. When my 530g pump died well out of warranty I got the 670g, and was happy that the Guardian sensors were much better for me than the Enlite. For me, the Guardian sensors are very accurate, both with the 670g and now the 770g. I just did my first calibration of the morning and both the SG and Contour Next Link meter were 88. That is not a fluke, it happens all the time. Maybe not a unicorn every time but off by only a couple either way. A “bad” sensor for me is when the difference is more like 15 points off.
I use a Dexcom G6 with a Medtronic pump. I love the Dexcom because of the accuracy but Medtronic tells me the Medtronic Guardian 3 is equal in accuracy to the Dexcom G6. Anyone have anything different to say. Would like to know since I am about to place an order for a new pump. Should I have second thoughts on using Tandem?
Medtronic has told me the Medtronic Guardian is equal in accuracy with the Dexcom G6, Anyone heard of such a test by Medtronic or Dexcom?
I’d think if you reached out to Dexcom they would be able to answer this question and give you the results. Good luck!
50+ years T1D, 35 years of pump therapy. Tried Omnipod (adhesive allergy, pre-iPhone and didn’t like needing to carry around the the reader). The rest were Medtronic versions up to the disastrous 670G. So I started trying to use a CGM when Medtronic had their first in 1999. I was even in the Glucowatch trials. They were all a mess. Inaccurate, rudimentary. I would give each new version a try but never successful and more hassle than benefit. I both blame and appreciate these Medtronic attempts but I pretty much gave up and lost confidence until I tried my first Dexcom G4 then G5 which led me to my Tandem X2 and G6 with Control IQ. From MDI with test tube urine tests to now has been quite a journey. I am extremely insulin/carb sensitive and not for lack of effort but mainly lack of tools the first 25 years with T1D was very poor control. I am suffering the results now. I credit Dexcom, especially G5 and Tandem with changing my life. I think every newly diagnosed T1 should be given them in the hospital at diagnosis. Insulin delivery method is a matter of what works best for each of us but a CGM is , next to insulin, a necessity for managing this disease. For me, it takes a toolbox – insulin, CGM, Afrezza, pump, integrated meter and hybrid closed loop software system and fighting the never-ending nightmare of insurance to live with T!D.
Before getting my new pump (Tandem X2 Control IQ), I used both the 10 day and 14 day Freestyle Libre. I was highly allergic to their adhesive and got advice both online and from my support group. Following their advice, no issues on the 10 day. Sadly, my efforts on the 14 day were not as good, and had pretty bad site reactions seen after removal. No adhesive issues at all with Dexcom G6. No prep wipes, etc. necessary.