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Nope, kept my bionic self thriving with my Dexcom and Tandem X2 pump!
Yes, replaced my Animas Vibe pump with a Tandem t:slim X2. It’s made a very positive difference.
Upgraded to Tandem X2 with CIQ in December 2019 and have been extremely pleased and satisfied with the system since.
I switched from Medtronic CGM to Dexcom due to accuracy issues with Medtronic.
Switched from medtronic to omnipod/dexcom for both better accuracy on cgm and losing the tube on the pump. Much happier and better control.
Changed from Medtronic 670g to Tslim with control IQ. A1C lowered quite a bit in the first three months. My doc was happy with the tandem pump. Me too!
4th try with cgm. Guardian 3 actually working this time. Auto mode keeps me very steady as long as I limit my carb intake at one time and eat several times a day spaced every few hours… like a good diabetic
Have been type 1 for less then a year. Who knew a pancreas is so important! Have had a dexcom and omnipod for a few months. Way better then multiple daily injections. Thank you to all the people who post on here. Becoming type 1 during a pandemic very tough. You all give me hope that its possible to have some quality of life!
Was using inpen. Now using Tandem pump recommended by my endocrinologist. The 30 degree infusion set is working for me. .
I didn’t actually change CGM (like buy a new brand), but my supplier, Byram Healthcare, upgraded me in the spring from the Dexcom G5 to the G6. Great upgrade!
Started control iq software on tandem pump with dexcom gx
Changed from Animas Vibe to Tandem X2 as well Dexcom G5 to G6
Upgrade to CIQ!
I have no new device in 2020, but I made a software switch on my Tandem-X2 pump. I had started with this pump in 2019 using the Basal-IQ system. In the middle of 2020 I upgraded to Control-IQ with great results. There was no problem with the earlier version, but Control-IQ gives me much better time in range as well as easier adjustment to both highs and lows when they occur.
Upgraded from original OmniPod to the OmniPod Dash system. PDM size is more like a cell phone and not as bulky. The touch screen is easy to use and has Bluetooth technology. When you use the Contour Next One blood glucose meter it will sync your glucose reading to the PDM which is nice. You can also download the OmniPod display app to your IPhone and view your PDM screen as well. I’m looking forward to the closed loop OmniPod 5 system that should be coming out in 2021. Hooray for technology!
I switched from a Medtronic pump to a Tandem X2 t:slim with Control-IQ. That change improved my A1C by 1% over what it was the previous two decades on Medtronic pumps.
I wanted to get a different brand pump and CGM but am stuck in a warranty.
Already had TSlim X2 and Dex G6 – I just this year integrated them both with CIQ
Still using Omnipod with Dexcom G6. Wondering if anyone switched from Omnipod to Tandem and if prefer Tandem & why. Also for tandem users: do you wind up throwing out a lot of insulin?
I connected my tandem pump and Dexcom G6 and downloaded the Control IQ. Someone asked about insulin waste with the tandem pump and it all depends on how much insulin you use in 3 days. For the pump to work you have to load the cartridge with at least 110 units of which the line takes about 12-13 units. The line insulin is not usable. So if you are a low insulin user, let’s say 20 units daily, like me, there is a lot of waste.
Added Control iQ to my TSlim x2
Thank you, Mig Vascos, for your response to my concern about insulin waste with the Tandem. I think I’ll stick it out with my Omnipod for now. Have a great new year.
I have not changed devices, but updated them. I now use Control IQ on tandem with Dexcom.
Switched to Dexcom CGM6, works well on my arms but very inaccurate on my abdomen. Dexcom has been great with replacing sensors that fail or are horribly inaccurate.
Started using the Omnipod Dash in February and upgraded to from the Freestyle Libre 14-day to the Freestyle Libre 2 a couple months ago. Not have a good time with the Omnipod. I want to go back to injections.