With COVID-19 rates at an all-time high across the country, are you or your loved ones with T1D doing any of the following for your holiday gatherings? Select all that apply.
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My family and I have come this close. Not letting up now, this close to a vaccine. I’ve known several people who have gotten it and survived and several who have gotten it and died. I’m not much of a gambler.
I have been so cautious since last March and my family is not coming for Christmas to protect me. Just my single son who works from home will be here tonight to spend a week to use his vacation days. Let the cooking begin. I saw on the Today Show this morning, the airports are filled with people flying to be with loved ones for Christmas. A surge in January could present which is concerning.
We had two people not in our household, my sister and my son. Both have been just as careful as our household has been, so we felt that was very low risk.
First time in 44 years, we won’t be with our children.
We stick to only our household this year. My wife and I, and our daughter and her husband who have been with us since March. Stay safe for every ones sake!
My daughter, her husband and baby all had COVID in November, so we are thankfully able to see them after many missed visits over the last 8 months since the baby was born. It is still slightly risky, but we have all been very careful the last 10 days, so I am ok with it.
We cancelled our travel plans, not due to Covid, but because there’s nothing to do where we planned to go because of Covid restrictions.
Having a family zoom meeting Christmas Eve. Wearing masks and just ordered a mask recommended by the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Ordered a uv light for the furnace. Use EZ breathe ventilation. Will take the vaccine.
We would have visited my sister in the next town over, but her entire household contracted the virus. All are recovering or have recovered. At any rate that cancelled the visit. So we stay home to celebrate by ourselves.
I didn’t have any plans for the holidays. I’m a nurse, so will be at work. I won’t be visiting anyone, for their protection and my own
Our holidays are always a very quiet time for us so that won’t change. Our family is spread far and wide across the world, but this time we plan to have video chats instead of phone calls. Hoping you all have safe, healthy and happy holidays!
Not really taking precautions for my sake, a niece with a 7 week old baby is having her parents only. Every one is encouraged to stay home if exposed or positive. I like the windows open for ventilation, weather permitting, we may do that.
My husband and I will be having Christmas Eve dinner with one couple that we have periodically socialized with during Covid. All four of us stay at home except for grocery shopping and other essential trips. On Christmas Day my husband and I will be home alone and doing a video family zoom meeting. Normally there are Christmas Eve and Christmas Day large gatherings with my husband’s extended family who all live in our area.
We are careful when leaving the house which is rare. I don’t get out more than once a week at the most to go to a store with my husband. We spent Thanksgiving with three family members in a different county and will be doing the same for Christmas. That was the last time we saw them. We stay for a few days in the house. None of the family members are going out much. We would rather be with family and suffer than live long on our own. We all have health concerns. I am ever so grateful I am not a only child in my teenage years with severe restrictions.
Normally we would be spending Christmas Eve with my side of the family 30+ people. Then Christmas day with my husbands side of the family 30+ people. This year we are not seeing anyone. We are bringing our children and their families gifts. Dropping the gifts on their porches going back to the drive way calling them and when they come outside visiting from 20 ft. apart for only 15 minutes. This is what we also did for Thanksgiving. I will be thrilled to get the vaccine!
We are having holiday dinner at home no family or friends over not many of them want to enjoy our -54 degree weather I live on a ranch 1hour and 30 minutes away from town but we do socialize with the cows when we feed them ha ha ha