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I have T1D and am also a medical professional workin the diabetes space.
Me too.
LADA is Type 1. The question reinforces a constant misconception that LADA is not Type 1. If you want to differentiate, ask if our Type 1 onset was as a juvenile or as an adult. Whether it comes on suddenly at age 10 or comes on slowly at any age, it’s all Type 1.
Or comes on fast as an adult. If you don’t produce any insulin at all, you are Type 1. If your immune system decided to go to town on your beta cells and destroy them, at whatever age, you have the autoimmune disease called Type 1 diabetes. I don’t understand the LADA distinction, other than for research purposes.
Yeah, the LADA thing confuses me too. I think the typical profile has to do with the slow speed of onset, hence “latent,” in combo with “Adult.” But it doesn’t fit me.
I was dx’d when I’d just turned 28, and it went from first noticing I felt kinda crappy all the time to incipient DKA in about 6 weeks. That was in 1983 when Type 1/Type 2 wasn’t a thing, let alone LADA, so my record actually says “Juvenile type” anyway.
Thank you to the respondents who clarified LADA v. T1D. I marked LADA but probably should have marked T1D. I’m still trying to come to terms with the fact that my own body attacked my pancreatic cells at age 40.
That is roughly the age I was diagnosed. 39
Looking for Frontline anwers for the Trigger of the AutoImmune Response of TD1, and what is the Strategies for the Stopping/ Restoration of the Pancreas Functions and Islet Cells. Questions seem to be mpre of the Focus on Big Pharma Marketing vs. Cellular Restoration and Functions?
I was diagnosed at 65 but was told I have type 1. Not sure what LADA is.
Watch your TID site daily
For any “news” on TID
MY diabetic DR Erl Hirsch — well known—Seattle WA
I am neither type 1 or type 2
So do studies with “Rariant”
On Humalog insulin
Go to the Diabetes care center @ the uw facility
In Seattle WA
I’m with another doctor in the same clinic.
I’ve been apart of the T1 community since 1972 when my brother was diagnosed at 7 months old. I was diagnosed 10 years later.
I would have checked several boxes, I have T1D, my eldest son has T1D, and my eldest granddaughter has T1D. Sort of runs in the family.
I have been told that LADA is not an official diagnosis although that may have changed. I put LADA because I figured by the question you wanted to differentiate the Type ones to know your audience better. My diagnosis is now Type 1 although for many years the diagnosis was Type 2 even though I was on insulin and was not characteristic of Type 2, i.e. insulin resistance. I was diagnosed at age 39. The term LADA may not have even been coined at the time (1993). I am now almost 70.
I would figure by the title of this site it would be an extremely high percentage of T1D.
I live with LADA and I also raised 2 T1ds before my diagnosis. Also my brother is a T1d.
Multiple responses apply to me, but could only select one:
– I live with type 1 diabetes
– I am a family member of someone living with T1D
– I work in diabetes/diabetes research
I identify as a T1D but actually I am not auto-immune compromised. My entire pancreas was removed in an attempt to avoid Early and Certain Death from Pancreas Adinocarcinoma. The procedure was about 9 years ago, and my recovery was slow but has been excellent. I am in good health (for a 75 year old man…) Anyone interested in my journey is welcome to browse my WordPress Blog that documents my adventure. https://billspancreas.wordpress.com
Would have been nice to be able to select more than one answer as several of us have more then one primary connection to T1D.
I’ve had type 1 diabetes for 43 years
I am T1D.