Many people with T1D also live with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Do these conditions affect you or someone you love?
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I answered, “unsure.” I have never been diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, but I believe I exhibited symptoms, especially when I was young. Also, my brother, and his son, who was diagnosed, exhibit the symptoms. I often get distracted and have difficulty concentrating. Sometimes I find myself stopping in the middle of what I am doing to do something else that distracted me. I am easily distracted.
Lawrence S, you and billions of Earth’s residence are being encouraged, reinforced, and mandated by the digital likes of Amazon, Meta, Google, Microsoft, et al to shorter and shorter attention spans. Most of society hates it, while the big. monster companies just rake in the cash. Sigh!
I thought I was the only one with adhd. I think of many times I had to check my trash when I was young to see if I gave my shot. Or gave double insulin forgetting I already gave my shot. So much easier now when I can just look at my pump. 55 years type 1 and still going strong.
I live with mild AdD. One of my sons has ADD, but not T1D. My son with T1D does not have ADD.
I check-off “NO”, no comment necessary.
yes I live with both TID and ADHD (non-attentive type) since my early childhood. However the ADHD was not diagnosed until I was in my late 40’s. I have been on a very low dose of generic Adderall for several years and it does make a difference to stabilize my scattered attention difficulties and tendencies.
I’ve not heard of connection between T1D & ADHD before. Is this a new discovery from some research?
T1D for 45 years and I most definitely have many of the behaviours associated with ADHD. I have a brother without T1D that exhibits many of the same behaviours. At least 10 things on the go at the same time and nothing ever gets finished!!
My wife is diagnosed with Dementia. She has the symptoms of ADHD, too. The symptoms of both ADHD and Dementia can be very similar.
Diagnosed at age 50. Routinely told it was diabetic fatigue until I consulted a neuropharmacologist.
I answered No, but I probably have symptoms. I have always had trouble sitting still and at times I know my focus should be better. But, my judgment of symptoms is greatly affected by raising my severely ADHD son, who is not a T1D. He is grown now and has a daughter who is ADHD and is also not T1D. Both have been tested for T1 autoantibodies and they were both negative.
I have type 1 diabetes. My husband has ADHD.
I said “Other”. I have T1D. Our oldest son has T1D, our youngest son has ADD (i.e., ADHD without the hyperactivity — they never should have combined the two names). Our middle son has MS. We all seem to have very active immune systems. 😉
My son diagnosed at 23 months with T1D had some form of ADD. We managed it without meds but as an adult he has had to seek help for it. He is doing excellent on his new medication. It has made the world of difference for him.
I have type 1 diabetes and possibly ADD. I don’t have the hyperactive but I am do have the symptoms of other stuff.
Badly phrased question. Irrelevant someone else’s ADD/ADHD has no affect or influence of my D symptoms, or treatment. They are entirely separate creatures.