In your location, have you received official guidance about when people with T1D will be able to get the COVID-19 vaccine?
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At my Endo appointment in late December, I was told when to hopefully expect vaccinations and to contact the clinic if I needed any certification.
I haven’t directly received any information, but I was planning to call my endocrinologist today to see if they have any insights into when that might be.
Answered other because I haven’t researched it but assume I am not yet in line. Last time I looked T2s were in line but saw nothing about T1s. Assuming again because all the research is focused on T2s. Numbers matter unfortunately.
I’m in Marietta, Georgia, and was able to schedule my vaccine dose due to my age (over 65). They are currently offering the vaccine to Phase 1A+, then next will be 1B and 1C, then Phase 2 and finally Phase 3. If you’re under age 65 here I think people with T1D or other pre-existing conditions have to wait until Phase 2.
My county in Illinois specifically prioritized “Type 2 Diabetes” but has given no higher priority to T1Ds, despite evidence of higher risk. It’s very frustrating. I thought this article had a good summary of where things stand in the U.S. for T1D vaccination priority https://www.statnews.com/2021/01/11/for-people-with-type-1-diabetes-cdc-guidelines-for-covid-19-vaccine-priority-are-puzzling/
In Tennessee, T1Ds over 16 years of age are in Phase 1c, trailing healthcare workers, teachers and a few other groups. I expect to receive the vaccine based on my age before we reach Phase 1c.
I chose OTHER because, yes we’ve received guidance, YET…..Rhode Island is WAY behind other states apparently. I just spoke with my dental hygienist, who informed me their ‘hoping’ to get theirs the first week of February! I called my doctors office that informed me via a generic welcome message not to bother asking about when we would receive the vaccines, as they have not been informed yet by the state! Yet people over 65 (Not front end workers) are receiving the vaccine in Florida!!
Currently myState has “Diabetic’s” listed in the 1B group. So technically the next the group, but not everyone that wants it has gotten the first injection yet here. Have just started the first dose in some LTC, Assisted Living, Memory Care Homes, etc.
In Washington persons over 50 with “2 or more comorbidities” are just behind front line workers and persons over 70. “Co-morbidity” is left undefined but I think I have but one with T1. Without some other reason I would get the vaccine after the homeless.
Yes. I’ve received notification from our Department of Health & Social Care, but I live in the UK, so the information I’ve received will not be applicable to the vast majority of people on here. (I’ll be getting my first ‘jab’ by mid-February.)
In Florida, anyone over 65 can get Covid 19 vaccine. My husband and I are part of a lottery for the vaccine. When your name is drawn, they call you to set up an appointment for both of us.
I expect I will be in the group of “regular” people over 65. From what I’ve read (TCOYD, JDRF) those with T1D aren’t more likely to contract covid91 than anyone else in their age group as long as our D mgt is good. Not intending to boast, but my A1C’s are consistently 5.3-5.5 and my TIR is in the upper 90’s and I practice safety, I am not concerned about when I get the vaccine. I am more worried about T1D mgt for hospital inpatients (few fingersticks – although some hospitals are using CGM’s in order to save on PPE – use of regular insulin, high targets for bg – 200+).
By the way I’m Canadian and live in Canada just to make things clear. So as expected our government is having a hard time getting things organized when it comes to rolling things out as well getting product in. The way I see things it’s going to take quite dinner time for them to get their act together so who knows. Fingers crossed hoping this damn pandemic gets resolved soon.
I will be getting my vaccine this weekend. Moderna. I qualify because I am 65 or older not because I have diabetes.
“Other”- depends on what you mean by received. When I heard something about the next phase on the local news, I checked on the state website and found the current updated information. So I HAVE what I think is current info but was not given it directly. Because of multiple conditions I am in the next phase and will be checking with my doctor(s) to see that they are including me in the next round. BTW in my state there was a list of qualifying conditions which included Type 2 diabetes with no mention of Type 1. (I have CAD, COPD and asthma so I qualify for this earlier round anyway,)
Other – I’m in healthcare, so I got it already – MS
In Oman we are in phase one of vaccinations, and only diabetics 65 years and older qualify (no specific mention of T1D). The state clinic in Muscat advised me to return next week, when phase two begins, which should include all diabetics.
Here in Massachusetts we are in phase 1. I am 71 years old and have T1D. I am not in phase 1. Phase 2 will start in February. If you are over 75 you will be eligible in February. If you are over 65 with two comorbidities , you will be first in line. I have one. Still, I will very likely get my first shot in February.
I’m in Indiana, and the vaccine has been given first to Medical personnel and now is being given to those 80 years and older. The next tiers are by age only (next 70+, then 60+), risk factors are not a consideration in this plan.
There’s a semi list that shows the sequence of who will get the vaccine, but no timelines. I’m 1b tier3
Just had my 90 day endo visit and was told that I’d be notified by my primary physician. Since T1D isn’t listed as a priority medical condition, I imagine my age (74) will be the deciding factor. Maybe sometime in the late spring?
My diabetes does not count in my state either. They have not finished the senior living people and front line workers yet. They are now doing teachers. After that, they will only do those over 75, so neither I nor my husband will get it, even though we are over 65. Our state is low on the list of vaccines given per capita. It is likely to start in March or April for us to be vaccinated.
Living in Montreal, Quebec Canada, my condition if T1D is considered underlying condition and will follow over 60 year olds but for now our elderly and health care workers are priority and hopefully my Endocrinolgist feels by April should be realistic in receiving vaccine🙏
Well diabetics allegedly can get vaccinated in NYCS
While diabetics allegedly can get vaccinated in NYS, good luck finding an appointment! If you are not 65, you are shut out from the pharmacy appointments. If you go to the State site, you think you are going to be able to book an appointment but it eventually locks you out. NY is a mess! Shame on you Governor Cuomo.