Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
I have pulled out two infusion sets, both of them last week. That was unusual for me. I was trying them in a new location on my abdomen, and I think the tubing was pulling on it in a new way. No problem with sensors; they seem to stay attached even without the overtape that Dexcom recommends.
None in a very long time. In the beginning I accidentally knocked a couple out by running into things. I finally got used to them and learned to avoid bumping them.
I didn’t rip it out, it just got loose in the bath tub and was recording low numbers. So I ripped it off myself,, and replaced the sensor ( Abbott Freestyle Libre).
I have not counted, but it’s about 3 times this past month. I have recently expanded the areas where I place my cannula to my arms and legs. I was no longer getting the full effect of the insulin in my belly area. I am using much more of the overtape, taping both the cannula and the tubing. I keep knocking the cannulas out when I take showers, and dry off with the towels. I am also getting much more pulling when I move my arms and legs, working or exercising.
Losing pump sites never ever happens to me (and I’ve been wearing pumps since they were invented!) But this past week my tubing got caught on a cabinet door, not once, but twice! I put a new site on, then an hour later, the same exact door yanked off my tubing!
I answered once because I somehow dislodged a sensor from the back of my arm. But that never happens in the last 25 years I may have lost 5 sites due to dropping my pump or something. I have sweated off hundreds.
Three times in four years. I don’t have enough real estate (with sufficient fat) around my middle to manage a rotating system, so I use thighs. Doing exercise, I occasionally ripped things out early on, but after I started wearing compression shorts, that problem disappeared. I think they may have improved the adhesives, though, as I no longer seem to even need to do that. I’ve been amazed at how well the Medtronic stuff stays put when tugged or scraped.
For my pump, I loop the tubing and tape it to provide safety for the infusion set from being ripped out. My CGM I wear on my chest and only catch it through my shirt, either on my seatbelt or an occasional table edge or counter.
I can’t even remember the last time this happened. I did pull pump sites out back in my early days. Tube getting hooked on cabinet knobs but I have been pumping over 30 years. It has been a couple decades since this has happened.
Ripped them all, the small, the short & the tall. In the last month, maybe twice. But over a lifetime? Let me count the ways: knobs, drawer handles, twigs, branches, car doors, USB connectors, dressing, undressing, running, lying, sitting, exceeding the 3-day limit, you name it, I’ve done it. ( ͡> ͜ʖ ͡<)
I didn’t rip one out the cow did I was walking down the road and this cow went through the gate ran me over she ripped out and stomped on my pump about 3 times I’m ok the pump did great I tell you medtronic made a strong pump except for a scratch it work great
I have pulled out two infusion sets, both of them last week. That was unusual for me. I was trying them in a new location on my abdomen, and I think the tubing was pulling on it in a new way. No problem with sensors; they seem to stay attached even without the overtape that Dexcom recommends.
None in a very long time. In the beginning I accidentally knocked a couple out by running into things. I finally got used to them and learned to avoid bumping them.
I didn’t rip it out, it just got loose in the bath tub and was recording low numbers. So I ripped it off myself,, and replaced the sensor ( Abbott Freestyle Libre).
I have not counted, but it’s about 3 times this past month. I have recently expanded the areas where I place my cannula to my arms and legs. I was no longer getting the full effect of the insulin in my belly area. I am using much more of the overtape, taping both the cannula and the tubing. I keep knocking the cannulas out when I take showers, and dry off with the towels. I am also getting much more pulling when I move my arms and legs, working or exercising.
Unusually a sensor site became loose in the bathtub as did a pump site so 2 this month, but normally only 1 or less.
Would be handy to have NA since people who don’t wear devices may have used none as the only option available to answer the question.
It has happened in the past but not in the last 3 months, I just hope I haven’t hexed myself.😉
Losing pump sites never ever happens to me (and I’ve been wearing pumps since they were invented!) But this past week my tubing got caught on a cabinet door, not once, but twice! I put a new site on, then an hour later, the same exact door yanked off my tubing!
Dam doors, you just can’t trust ’em.
I answered once because I somehow dislodged a sensor from the back of my arm. But that never happens in the last 25 years I may have lost 5 sites due to dropping my pump or something. I have sweated off hundreds.
Three times in four years. I don’t have enough real estate (with sufficient fat) around my middle to manage a rotating system, so I use thighs. Doing exercise, I occasionally ripped things out early on, but after I started wearing compression shorts, that problem disappeared. I think they may have improved the adhesives, though, as I no longer seem to even need to do that. I’ve been amazed at how well the Medtronic stuff stays put when tugged or scraped.
For my pump, I loop the tubing and tape it to provide safety for the infusion set from being ripped out. My CGM I wear on my chest and only catch it through my shirt, either on my seatbelt or an occasional table edge or counter.
Hi All, this is a challenge. Personally the choice of the “glu” can make a big difference.
I’ve never ripped out a sensor but over the years I’ve lost a few sets to door knobs/handles. Not in the last month or even last few years though.
I can’t even remember the last time this happened. I did pull pump sites out back in my early days. Tube getting hooked on cabinet knobs but I have been pumping over 30 years. It has been a couple decades since this has happened.
Ripped them all, the small, the short & the tall. In the last month, maybe twice. But over a lifetime? Let me count the ways: knobs, drawer handles, twigs, branches, car doors, USB connectors, dressing, undressing, running, lying, sitting, exceeding the 3-day limit, you name it, I’ve done it. ( ͡> ͜ʖ ͡<)
I didn’t rip one out the cow did I was walking down the road and this cow went through the gate ran me over she ripped out and stomped on my pump about 3 times I’m ok the pump did great I tell you medtronic made a strong pump except for a scratch it work great