If you wear a device, do you use adhesive wipes to help your sites stick?
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I do not need skintac for my pump but always use it for the sensor.
Dexcom supplies adhesive strips that attach to the area and secure it from peeling off. I end up putting one on for most sessions.
I’m not sure what you mean by “adhesive wipes.” I use I.V. Preps by Smith&Nephew. My cannulas will not stay on unless I use an I.V. Prep. I also use adhesive film dressing during the hot weather. Sweat will also remove cannulas.
I use to use IV Prep for Infusion Sites but since Sites stopped working after 2 days I no longer use a Prep. I buy the 4 oz bottle of Skin-Tac for Sensor sites as the bottle lasts for 5 years.
I swab with povidone solution and apply. Sometimes use clear medical tape if the position it’s in makes it seem like it won’t hold.
I do for my Dexcom sites but generally not for Omnipod
I use skintac for my Dexcom sensors and for my Trusteel infusion set for its additional adhesive tail (I also cover the little tube loop with tegaderm.) As another reported, one bottle of skintac lasts for years.
I also use IV Prep for the infusin set but only alcohol wipe for the CGM sensor/transmitter with 3M Tegaderm film. The stock Minimed sensor tape gives me a rash.
As others have stated, I use IV Prep for the infusion site but not for the CGM site. Medtronic says that it interferes with the CGM effectiveness.
SkinTac for my sites – nothing for the cgm
I use Skin Tac for my Dexcom sensor. I don’t usually need anything for my Omnipod. If I do, I use the tape that is shaped exactly like the pod.
I wipe the site with alcohol to help things stick, but I use an over patch with my Dexcom. Occasionally I need an over patch with my Omnipod, but not usually.
I compromised with “often”. Virtually always with my pump. Almost never with my CGM. Just habits of time.
I wear the extra sticky things only on dexcom. So I get the full 10 days. The pump stays without
I use both sensi care barrier spray and then skin tax. Keeps my Dexcom from breaking down my skin and keeps the device secure for the full 10 day wear time. I also use opsite flexifix tape for pump infusion site.
I use alcohol wipes only. Only problem I see is it is painful to remove the tape from sensor and infusion set.
Skin-Prep for pump and CGM insertion sites.
I do not use adhesive wipes, I use a medical tape over the top of my Freestyle Libre sensor. If I don’t it won’t stay on my arm. The tape protects the sensor too.
I found that with the use of the “Infusion Set IV3000” by Smith&nephew, that is, basically, a form fitting tape/plaster that surrounds the sticky pad of the infusion site, it holds it in place. When I haven’t used one of these plasters, I find the attachment pulls away from my skin easily. (Before discovering these plasters, I had been resorting to holding the attachment on my body with ‘bandaids’. These ‘Infusion Sets’ are way more efficient and come off easily when I’m ready to change pump attachment sites.) Not sure if they just work with Medtronic products or with others also.
I tried them when I first started pumping and didn’t like them. Plus we couldn’t use them with CGM and that was the part I needed extra stinking power with. I just you extra over tapes instead.
I used IV prep in my initial years wearing a pump early 2000s, but it seems the adhesives for the infusion sites have improved and I haven’t used for many years. I hate the adhesive tape that comes with the Medtronic CGM, so use a IV3000 hand (rectangular) overtape to cover my CGM site. Sometimes need to replace during CGM course, but doesn’t leave behind adhesive gunk on my transmitter and saves cleaning/prep time.
I usse SKinTac – the bottle version. It has an applicator wand in the cap that I can use to “paint” the adhesive onto the sticky pad of my set or sensor. The wipes give me sticky fingers. I do, however use the wipes when traveling.
I always use skintac for my tru-steel pump sites, including the extra connection, but more to keep the site from irritation which happens with any wiggling/movement. For my Dexcom I end up using the overpatch after about a week, if the edges start peeling.
I don’t need to use anything for pump infusion sites. I do use the Dexcom overpatch when wearing the sensor on my arm.
I do with the sensors but not the insertion sets.
All I need to use is alcohol to clean my skin and both my sensor and pump insertions will stay put and chose “never”.
I use adhesive wipes that clean the adhesive glue from my skin for another medical device unrelated to T1D.
I’ve tried them in the past but have been allergic to every one I’ve tried. Even when I was working bedside, I had to double glove when I would do wound care & use skin prep so I wouldn’t break out in hives.
I do not use supplimental adhesive on my medtronic/dexcom, pump and gcm products. However, when I put them on I really press firmly on the tape for about 30 seconds. Works for me and I am very active and swim regularly.
I use adhesive around my site, not on site. Helps the tape stick longer.
Skin Prep is the best I’ve used in 26 years on a pump and 11 yrs on a CGM.
For over patch nothing works better for the price then Hypafix tape.
Adhesive wipes? This is first time I’ve heard of them. Like others wearing a CBG I just first wipe site with cotton ball moistened with rubbing alcohol. I’m careful to let the alcohol dry before using the applicator to apply the sensor. So far in 3 months use I haven’t needed to add any tape or prepare site with anything else. If I went back to lap swimming I’d certainly take extra precautions. I doubt using an elliptical or riding a stationary bike or using a rowing machine will cause me to change procedures.
I always use an IV Prep wipe on my skin before inserting an infusion set. I never have them fall off. For my sensors (Medtronic) I just wipe my skin with an alcohol wipe before inserting the sensor. I sometimes will then wipe around the area with an IV Prep wipe but often forget. I then put a piece of Hypafix on top and do not use the taped provided by Medtronic.