Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
I use a skin barrier wipe that has adhesive properties. This helps a bit with the rash and skin breakdown that occurs with most adhesives, not perfect but better than not using a skin barrier.
I answered “Never” but that’s because I don’t use adhesive wipes to help the pump sites stick. I DO, however, use a spray called Cavilon, which creates barrier film.
I’m afraid I don’t know if Cavilon spray is available in the United States, but it’s produced by an International Company called 3M. (I live in the UK (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.)
Haven’t had my coffee yet so I misunderstood the question! I rarely have to use anything to help my infusion site to stick. The cgm is a whole different animal.
I used IV prep wipes for a few years after starting pump therapy in 2000 because the trainer recommended. Insurance didn’t cover, so I stopped using. I haven’t had problems with losing sites early due to loss of adhesion. I work long sedentary hours at my desk though. Possibly a sign I’m not exercising/sweating enough.
I have used Skin-Prep (brand name) for 28 yrs and although it’s not an adhesive , it preps my skin and improves adhesion better than anything else I’ve used in 30 years on the pump.
I said always, but I don’t use wipes but surgical tape. Put a piece on back of the site over the plastic piece and one or two small pieces over the tube. That way I’m covered over any eventuality. I play sports and move around a lot. When I disconnect for showering I only have to remove/replace the piece at the front.
I’ve had CGMs and the infusion for the pump come off from sweat. Use a “skin tak” liquid I can apply as I put the tools on OR after showering notice the stuff gets loose.
Never! The Tandem “Q” set has the best adhesive. I’ve worn eight different Insulin Pump’s in my 45 years of pumping. Only once I got my tubing caught on a doorknob.
When I wore Silhouettes I usually used an IV Prep wipe but those sets would stick just fine even without it. This year I switched to Mio Advanced and lost many sets even with IV Prep wipes so I had to switch to Skin Tac. I use the bottle of that, not the wipes, because those wipes are very messy. The adhesive pad on the Mio Advanced is so small and the adhesive seems pretty weak.
While I don’t use anything beyond pump require adhesive materials, I use an adhesive removal wipe to clean sensor and site area after removal. I wasn’t quite sure what was asked so I added this explanation.
I’m allergic to them. So I never use them.
I use a skin barrier wipe that has adhesive properties. This helps a bit with the rash and skin breakdown that occurs with most adhesives, not perfect but better than not using a skin barrier.
Ditto. I’ve been using IV Prep for many years, for cleanliness and for better adhesion. Otherwise, I don’t get long term adhesion.
I use IV Prep too and have been for years and years.
I have always had very dry skin. Without sticky wipes nothing sticks due to dry skin lotion. I do use the remover wipes sometimes but not often.
Adhesive wipes/spray also act as barrier to prevent irritation
I use over tape.
Since I change Sites every 2 days I rarely use SkinTac but with my CGM I Never use Wipes, it’s always several coats applied by the Bottle Brush
Skin Tac is all I need. That and wiping the site real good (before attaching) with alcohol wipes.
I generally use a piece of medical tape over my infusion site, but I use the liquid Skin-Tac in a bottle to adhere my CGM
I answered “Never” but that’s because I don’t use adhesive wipes to help the pump sites stick. I DO, however, use a spray called Cavilon, which creates barrier film.
I’m afraid I don’t know if Cavilon spray is available in the United States, but it’s produced by an International Company called 3M. (I live in the UK (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.)
3M is a USA company. Its original name was Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing. FYI.
@Gary Taylor. Thank you for that information, sir. 😉
I’ve never used any sort of adhesion promoter nor do I use an alcohol wipe before applying the infusion set. I’ve never had a set loosen prematurely.
I had to switch to The surety infusion sets and they pull out easier so I use IV tape over the actual cannula part
We use IVPrep wipes. Have lost only two sites in over 8years of our son on a pump.
We do use IV3000 over the site, as well.
Haven’t had my coffee yet so I misunderstood the question! I rarely have to use anything to help my infusion site to stick. The cgm is a whole different animal.
I used IV prep wipes for a few years after starting pump therapy in 2000 because the trainer recommended. Insurance didn’t cover, so I stopped using. I haven’t had problems with losing sites early due to loss of adhesion. I work long sedentary hours at my desk though. Possibly a sign I’m not exercising/sweating enough.
I have used Skin-Prep (brand name) for 28 yrs and although it’s not an adhesive , it preps my skin and improves adhesion better than anything else I’ve used in 30 years on the pump.
I love it. Use it for my CGM, too.
Just for the sensor
Pump site never, CGM always
My pump sites stick fine for the 3 days required cause I do not spend much time in water. Sensor sites are another matter.
I tried the wipes but they irritated my skin when I used them regularly, so I only use them now if I know I will be in a very hot/sweaty environment.
Skin Prep barrier, for adhesion and to reduce irritation (itchiness).
I use skin prep wipes which have a mild adhesive in them I believe. I rarely of ever use something like skin tac.
I said always, but I don’t use wipes but surgical tape. Put a piece on back of the site over the plastic piece and one or two small pieces over the tube. That way I’m covered over any eventuality. I play sports and move around a lot. When I disconnect for showering I only have to remove/replace the piece at the front.
I don’t use anything
i said “never” because I don’t even know what they are. But i always use plain old surgical adhesive tape, and that usually works pretty well.
I’ve had CGMs and the infusion for the pump come off from sweat. Use a “skin tak” liquid I can apply as I put the tools on OR after showering notice the stuff gets loose.
When I wore one, required multiple extra adhesive skin prep methods 1000% of the time every day I was attached… it never kept attached regardless
Never! The Tandem “Q” set has the best adhesive. I’ve worn eight different Insulin Pump’s in my 45 years of pumping. Only once I got my tubing caught on a doorknob.
When I wore Silhouettes I usually used an IV Prep wipe but those sets would stick just fine even without it. This year I switched to Mio Advanced and lost many sets even with IV Prep wipes so I had to switch to Skin Tac. I use the bottle of that, not the wipes, because those wipes are very messy. The adhesive pad on the Mio Advanced is so small and the adhesive seems pretty weak.
I have an allergy to most site prep adhesives.
While I don’t use anything beyond pump require adhesive materials, I use an adhesive removal wipe to clean sensor and site area after removal. I wasn’t quite sure what was asked so I added this explanation.