If you use a Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) System, where do you most prefer to view your sensor readings?
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“Prefer” is a very different creature than what I’ll accept. As long as I can see it clearly, with zero/no effort necessary/required to do so, I’m content. If I am forced to go through multiple screens, displays its a problem.
95% of the time, I look at my pump. Occasionally, I look at my phone. Usually to look at my Time in Range, or to remember when I started my CGM.
On MDI. Use iPhone and Apple Watch.
I use my phone during the day. The display is larger and the trends are easier to see. At night, the phone alarm is louder, but becomes redundant and annoying with the pump alarms so I’ll turn the phone off. It’s frustrating when it keeps alarming when I’ve eaten carbs or taken insulin and am waiting 20 minutes for my adjustment to take effect.
I like reading the sensor readings on my phone because it links to the Dexcom Clarity app which allows me to do some quick reports too. Dexcom G6 app is very helpful and full of features. Tandem’s pump provides readings but the screen is small and their app lacks touchscreen analysis on the trend graph of the sensor values.
I selected on my pump only, but that’s probably because I don’t possess either a smartphone or a smartwatch. If I could afford either of these my response MAY be different. 😉
I use my phone 90% of the time during the day and the pump at night.
My favorite thing about using my smart watch is being able to ask Siri “What’s my number?” when I’m driving. I know I’m very lucky to have access to this technology.
I only have access for readings on my pump. My phone is not compatible with the Dexcom/Tandem pump
Some people are obviously LYING when answering this question because the CGM can not connect to the receiver if it is connected to an insulin pump, yet 3% of the people answering claim to get readings on ALL listed devices including both their pump and the CGM’s receiver or both their pump and the CGM receiver.
The question is definitely not too well done. I use FreeStyle Libre 3 – and the smartphone is the only option – period. I would LOVE to have it available on my iphone but there is no such animal. This would be a significant advantage and benefit
apologies – would love it going to my watch – Apple Watch that is
G7 reader
I mostly look at my phone and smartwatch but since Apple last up date the readings are in miniature on app in my phone unless I click on it. Very upset about that as my watch was my main go to.
Oops I meant on my watch
I really like seeing it on my watch( Google Pixel), I just got it working with with the G7, so easy to glance at it and not have to pick up phone or T-slim pump.
Those on Omnipod don’t have the option to see on their pump, but that’s not really a factor as the watch and phone are just fine.
Too many years on call 24/7 – so I am over having the phone with me all the time. That’s what I like about the TAndemX2 and Dexcom integration. I don’t need to carry another device – admittedly, I am happiest when my smartphone is at home charging and I am out and about.
I only use my smartphone.