If you use a CGM, how many times in the past month have you had to change your sensor more than 24 hours before its session expired?
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Did have to change due to sensor failure, but instead it had ‘wacky’ reading that I did not trust….
I use a Dexcom G7. My one complaint is the adhesive. What’s the point of making the device smaller is you have to add an over patch. I just changed a few days ago and tried putting liquid SkinTac directly on device. So far Is doing great. Will see at day 10. Come on Dexcom FSL is smaller and their adhesive works great with no over patch.
I just switched from Libre to G7 and could not be less impressed with Dexcom’s product. I’ve had 3 out of the first 9 simply fail and 1 fall off when I dove into the lake. Dexcom’s customer service people have been very nice on the phone but the promised “escalation” of my case has yet to materialize.
I use Dexcome G6 and I find that the sensor starts having issues on day 6 of the 10 day cycle. I find that powering off the Omnipod 5 controller for 5 minutes helps.
Recently I’m having an awful time with the Libre 3. My last 3 sensors have been giving me horribly incorrect readings. I truly think I have a bad batch but customer service doesn’t know how to answer or direct a question related to information such as that. So, I’ve requested a dexcom sample to try out. If all else fails I’ll be going back to finger pricks.
Is it just me? Or are any of you noticing a degradation in Dexcom’s quality control standards regarding the G6 as it is being phased out for the more advanced G7? 🙃 😏
I use Dexcom 6, most sessions I extend for another few days sometimes up to another 10 days with great accuracy. I am grateful for this technology and that I don’t seem to experience incomplete sessions as some report. I am in my 6th decade of life, live in the NE US where it’s not quite so hot as down south, perhaps I’m less active than many who report sensors falling off or failing. (I do avg. more than 10,000 steps per day lest you assume I sit in the recline all day!)!
Never happens with my libre.
I had an odd twice my CGM simply stopped connecting within 2 days of insertion. DEXCOM replaced both at no cost to myself. I normally take full advantage of the extra 12 hours offerred by the G7
I did, however, have to replace a sensor before it got started due to the sensor not being released from the applicator. I contacted DexCom and they will be replacing it.
This was a G6 sensor. Normally I don’t have any trouble with them lasting the full 10 days. I’ve even gotten a second cycle out of some of them.
Twice. But…it was due to my knocking it off – jot being careful when changing clothes. and the second time, was one day early – we were leaving for a day trip and the expiration would have occurred while driving. Wanted to avoid that.
I “paint” SkinTac on the pad prior to insertion and then use the overly that comes from Dexcom so adhesion is great most of the time.
It has been a good month:)
Removed for MRI
I hardly ever have to change early but in the last week, I had a major bleeder that wasn’t a reader and knocked one off.
4 times more
I said twice, but I think it is normally just once. Sensors are harder to keep on the full 10 days in the summer when it is really hot and or if swimming.
The past 30 days with the G6 have been without major problems. Insurance changed 4 months ago, no longer including CGM in DME coverage. It’s now covered under Pharmacy and that resulted in having to change my CGM supplier from Edwards to a hospital out-patient pharmacy. I think I’m now using supplies that haven’t been sitting in storage for ages and that’s making a positive difference.
Generally, my Dexcom G6 CGM’s last the whole 10 days. However, the last three have failed in days 9 and 8. On two of them, I got a – – – code. One kept giving me “compression lows” while I slept. One may have been because my transmitter was getting near 90 days. Another may have come loose from contact with something, or perhaps, sweat.
Today it quit with 30 hours to go. Often dies or get poor readings the last day. Have same issue first day readings tend to be super low. I use g6. Have called in past and do get replacements. Lucky me I’m seeing my endo and had site go bad too so unaware I was t Getting insulin. Sky high bs. Hope it won’t mess up my A1C.
I love my G6 but sensors rarely last the 10 days for me.
Had MULTIPLE sensor failures in the last month +/-. No issues on my side solely broken sensor, AND defective sensor too. Not impressed in the least by the D7 CGM’s. Do not appear to have improved meaningfully/significantly in a quarter century… same-same problems, then or now.
I haven’t had a CGM malfunction in ages, but about 2 weeks ago I got caught out in the rain at work. My clothes were soaked through and sticky and my Simpatch started to peel up. When I finally got home and tried to change, the Simpatch got tangled up in my shirt sleeve and my CGM came out before I realized what was happening.
The last 16 hours of the 10 day Dexcom 6 reads way low or way high. From now on I’m going to remove it 12-16 hours earlier on the 10th day. It’s giving my endo and me an inaccurate A1C.
Mine always last all 10 days (Dexcom G6). I only had one bleeder that had to be removed right after insertion in the past several months.