If you have never used a hybrid closed loop system, which of the below potential benefits of these systems would be most important to you?
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Sadly, the person that compiled this survey didn’t think to make the option available that more than one of the given options SHOULD be able to be clicked on. i.e. that several of the options might be seen as potential benefits to someone considering using a closed loop system.
I just wish Tandem would hurry with an Updated Pump that would give me Control with G7 Sensors like I had with G6, they’re trying to get Approval from Medicare now to Upgrade
Or an All of the Above option
Currently switching from three years of MDI to tandem x2. Then hope to get new Mobi. Looking forward to trying the control IQ
I’m not sure what a hybrid closed loop system is? I use a Tandem X2 with Control IQ and a Dexcom G6 sensor. I don’t think that fits the definition of a hybrid closed loop system? If it does, my reason is to gain better overall control of my blood sugars, which would be all of the above.
Yes, that is a hybrid closed loop. Hybrid closed loop is when pumps deliver variable, automated basal insulin based on the readings from a CGM
Thanks, Anita. The “hybrid” part confused me.
I use Tandem control IQ. My A1c has gone up slightly with it. It was 5.8-6.2 for ~10yrs with CIQ it has been 6.5-6.7. I think it has improved my quality of sleep, BG stays steady overnight. During the day if I am at all active I often have to turn off the CIQ or it will over bolus. When active I have used the CIQ exercise mod with a 50% basal profile, the CIQ still takes over and increases my basal and aggressively boluses. Hopefully going forward CIQ will allow for a bit more user input. If I walk around for more than 15-20 minutes I seem to become extremely insulin sensitive.
I do aerobic exercises daily. When I increase my blood glucose level before I do my work out, I unplug my insulin supply from my body, until my blood glucose level comes down below 130. I’m not sure how to turn off the CIQ, and if I did, how much trouble it would be to turn it back on. Would it mess up my CGM sensor/transmitter?
Love Mrdtronic 780 system with G4 sensor. Waited a long time for this and am so thankful!
For the uninitiated, you might define what this is.
A hybrid closed loop system is when a pump automatically varies the basal insulin depending on the readings from a CGM
I eat low carb and do MDI. My most recent A1C was 5.0 and I seldom have a glucose reading above 125. When a hybrid closed loop system can get to that level of control I’ll be interested. The ADA standard of care and their advice to eat loads of carbs actively harms diabetics.
I love the fact that Tandem’s Control IQ lands me at 100mg/dl +/-10 every morning. I tried for years changing basal rates to achieve that. It makes Control the rest of thecday so much easier.
I already use Control IQ and LOVE IT!!!! I answered More Time in Range, but all of the above answers are important and applicable IMHO.
I used to use Tandem Control IQ and Dexcom G6. But, it kept me too low and I was constantly fighting being in hypoglycemia, and then it fought my efforts to stop going too low, so I stopped using the Control IQ function. Then, I changed to the Eversense CGM and now can’t use it (although, for now, I don’t think I would even if I could.)
Thank you for your comment. It’s important to know the risks.
What do you think of the Eversense CGM? I just ran across it and thought how great. I do get nervous with newer technology. Just wondering your pro’s and con’s?
Hi Jen and Eva –
Thank you. 🙂
I like the Eversense overall.
Pro and Con:
The system asks for calibrations and after about two weeks, it goes to once per day. It is learning about the individual patient, which I like. The con is for people who don’t like calibrations, it may not be good for them. As I have struggled A LOT to get good numbers out of a CGM, I don’t mind calibrations.
It _can_ go off on the BS numbers. Although, they are for the most part very good… but, they can go off.
I had a recent situation where it read a normal number (which I don’t remember precisely, but I’ll say 130 for illustration purposes), but my meter read 48, and the doctor’s meter read 60.
In that case, more calibrations are needed to get it back on track.
Con: the system doesn’t like calibrations when BS is going up or down. So, that can be just a bit frustrating. “Cause, I want to fix it, but I have to wait for the roller coaster ride to end.
Pro: I LOVE that the plastic waste is limited to the initial insertion “syringe” and the daily (or every other day) tapes to keep the transmitter over the sensor. In my mind, the elimination of so much plastic waste is worth _ANY_ cons!
Pro: I don’t have to change sensors every 7 to 10 days. I just have to chaRge the transmitter which takes only 15 minutes or so and can be done while I’m in the shower and couldn’t wear the transmitter anyway.
I don’t have to worry about the sensor getting knocked off. (The transmitter could, in theory, get knocked off, but it hasn’t happened to me yet.)
So, now my body isn’t getting poked as often with sensor insertion.
Possible con: there is a potential for SMALL scarring at the insertion site.
Um… there’s probably more, but I’ve run out of Pros and Cons for the time being.
I hope this information helps!!
@GeorgeLovelace. I am not sure what you mean. The Tandem Slimx2 does work with the G7 to do the hybrid closed loop system.
I have never used a hybrid system because they seem insanely scary. That said, I may consider one – if you can prove that will keep me in an acceptable range, 80-130, for the vast majority of the time > 80% and I’m not chasing lows.
I chose “none of the above” because I have tried a hybrid closed loop system, but no longer use it. Why? Because when using it my A1C went up, my TIR went down and I felt awful!