If you have ever been pregnant while living with T1D, how much did your insulin needs change throughout your pregnancy?
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I needed less insulin at night and slightly more in the daytime.
I didn’t want to have a kid because i was scared to give them type 1
lis be, me too. Eugenics never died out, did it? Look at the “desired” qualifications for surrogate parents (or just sperm donors) specified by infertile couples. And designer babies are just a CRISPR snip away. Would you have changed your mind if it were simply a single easy gene to find and “fix”? I’m sure there are already marriage arrangers catering to people who want mates with “desirable” DNA test results. 😎
For me it fluctuated and there were so many tests and I was seeing the doctor every 2 weeks the whole time. I had c-sections both times and I had a daughter and a son, now 42 and 37. Neither have been diagnosed with T1D. I had been diagnosed in 1970 at 12 years old. Diabetes sucks but life has been good!
I don’t remember. That was before cgms and pumps. Long ago!
“Other” or “don’t remember” was my answer also.
By the second trimester I needed more insulin. By the third trimester, insulin was almost like water; 1 unit per gram of CHO. Both children born full-term healthy and happy. I managed the pregnacies with an insulin pump and lots of finger sticks. Kids are now 18 and 20 years old.
Was not
It’s been over 43 years ago. But, the best I can remember, the first trimester was marked by lower blood sugars and after that higher. Since there were no cgm’s back then, that’s my assumption. EMS was called twice during my first trimester due to low blood sugar. I used a meter that had just come out for testing my blood sugar, but it was very difficult to use. No auto lancing devices yet either and I wasn’t good at stabbing my fingers. Anyway, I went into labor six weeks early and gave birth to a 7 pound 11 ounce son. He has been tested and does not have marker for T1D.
First trimester was filled with lows but then 2nd and 3rd insulin needs slowly crept up. Did not have one single complication from diabetes even tho all the naysayer doctors said I would. We didn’t try for a second child because the stress from the medical staff was ridiculous. My son is healthy and diabetes free. We are happy and live a good life even though diabetes is a brutal disease and a time suck to manage.
Maxed out my pump settings by third trimester. 😬 Bit baby was born healthy almost 15 years ago. ❤️
I never attempted pregnancy due to T1D. I’m 50+ years as a T1D and during my child-bearing years I was on MDI without a CGM, so it felt too dangerous. Plus I didn’t want to risk passing T1D onto my child. I wouldn’t wish this disease on anyone.
Less at first then consistent need for more insulin starting around 26 weeks, took double – triple normal dose by the end
I don’t remember. I had my three kids 27, 29 and 31 years ago!
It was in the dark ages, 1970, before meters, pumps or CGM’s. I was still using Reg. (beef/pork) and NPH on MDI with urine testing. The first trimester I had 24 hr. “morning sickness” that made my morning insulin dose a real guess. I was also attempting to get to my 8 AM, 4 hr. painting studio classes. If I managed to get to the class, the smell of the turpentine/mineral spirits, oil paints often resulted in a quick exit. Ended up painting in our apartment and lugging the large canvases via taxi to school for critiques and finals. Graduated with a BFA in Painting and exactly one month later, six weeks early, our 7 lb. 15.5 oz preemie daughter arrived by induced c-section. We both stayed in the hospital for the remainder of the week. She now has three kids, all in their 20’s.
I have been pregnant twice with type 1. My first child I needed less insulin. She was a small baby at 5lbs 13oz but 23 inches long. She is now almost 30, perfectly healthy and 5 fool 7 inches and a very healthy weight. My second child was 9lbs 1oz and 22 inches long. My insulin needs increased the whole pregnancy. She is now in her mid 20’s and very healthy and 5 feet 4 inches and about 165lbs. She lives in another state so not 100% sure but just moved about 3weeks ago. My husband was a 9 pound baby and I was right at 6 pounds so our kids seem to be just like us.
I was on MDI at the time and was shocked at how my basal needed to double almost overnight. Also looked pregnant from 16 weeks!
It’s been 42 years….. I think I took a bit more, but not a significant larger amount.
I have not completed first trimester of pregnancy before losing the pregnancy. Both time I used significantly less insulin.
My recollection is my insulin requirements went up slightly over the pregnancy, No major insulin resistance, I think more for increased food intake as I was hungrier than I’d ever been. Had a few cases later in my pregnancy when I forgot to dose for a snack and worried I was bathing the baby in sugar and found I was low (once 20mg/dl with no symptoms!) Baby’s pancreas at work or some temporary beta cell recovery during pregnancy??
I was taking Humilin when I was pregnant. Pre/post pregnancy my correction factor was 1 unit of insulin to drop my blood sugar 50mg/dL. While I was pregnant 1 unit would drop my blood glucose 100mg/dL!