If you are an adult with T1D and take a statin medication, how many milligrams do you take per day?
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10mg. I weigh 70kg.
An additional benefit of the statins is an increased elasticity in the vein and artery cells, which, like old boiler pipes in old boilers, tend to harden and clog up over time. ( ‾ʖ̫‾)
Or, explode, as my great uncle’s did, killing him instantly, by taking off his head!
I have no idea. I’d have to go look. But my cat is sitting on my lap, so there’s no way that I’m gonna get up and check!
It took longer for you to type this response than to go look and answer the question.
0 is less than 5. Why does the last choice combine not taking statins with not being T1?
Poorly worded survey question (IMHO) to determine accurate assessment of possible answers.
However, from the comments people have shared with their survey answers it does seems that many of us have had negative side effect experiences with statin medications, which poses the question if statins are really necessary for most T1s.
After 65 years with diabetes I still do not take any statins. My cardiologist says with a zero score on the coronary calcium scan, I don’t need any statins.
My doctor also recommended a coronary calcium scan in order to see if I can avoid statins. But the out-of-pocket costs for the test were too high for me to get one!
Since simple NO Statins wasn’t an available answer option, I had to say “N/A” even though THAT answer LIES by denying that I have Diabetes!!!
The CORRECT and HONEST answer for me would be that I was formerly on Statin meds but was taken off of them because process of elimination found that the Statin medications were the primary cause of excruciating cramps in my muscles, mainly in my legs so when I was taken off the Statins, the Doctors added ALL Statins to my list of known medication allergies!!!
I’m (or was) right there with you. When I was put on statins the whole body cramps were horrible – and at that time I was still a dancer. Imagine extending an arm or leg and having the cramps to the point that other dancers had to help me rub them out. They could see the knots in the muscle groups – like I was a creature in a horror film. Stopped those. Now that I am no longer a dancer, I do take a 5 mg every 3 days. So far so good in terms of cramping. It is only occasionally and mostly at night. I don’t have a cholesterol issue so I don’t know why HCP’s are such statin pushers.
I do not take statins. I once saw a doctor for the first time, and he wanted to put me on statins. I try to avoid unnecessary medications because kidney failure runs in my family. I declined that doctor’s offer.
What does the dosage mean without knowing the name of the medication?
10 mg/day Rosuvastatin
Been on different Statins and quantities for 30+ years. I take CoQ10 to avoid muscle cramping
Thanks, George Loveface. I’ve taken CoQ10 for years and had forgotten why.
I have never taken statins due to fear of the side effects since I already have most of those symptoms. I worry about not being proactive and now I’ve added taking SGLT-2 to the worry list since it seems to be the new advice for T1.
I finally checked … I’ve been taking 20 mg daily for over twelve years!
I said more than 80 because I can’t take statins. I’m taking 140 mg injection every 2 weeks of Repatha. It’s working perfectly for me.
Allergic to statins.
When statins first became available I was immediately prescribed the first of many. After close to a decade of trying every type on the market with very painful results, I was dx as statin intolerant.
I am no longer an on a statin. When I was it was 75 mg.
I take a 10mg rosuvastatin but only take 3 times per week
Very interesting to me how many folks here said they had cramps associated with statins. I’ve taken atorvastatin for decades and have serious problems with leg cramps at night (and only then), but I ultimately solved to problem by simply making sure I’m well hydrated (just water, not ions). I don’t know if my cramping is linked to statins, but since the statins have kept my cholesterol within reasonable limits, and since I can deal with the cramping by simply making sure I drink enough water (although at my age it means a lot of waking up to use the bathroom), I’ll stick with the statins.
I do have high cholesterol but cannot tolerate statins. They cause muscle and joint pain.
I said 11-20 mg, atorvastatin 20 mg but I take it just twice a week. My endocrinologist 15 years ago said it was studied and this dosing was found to be effective. It sure helps to avoid so many adverse effects of the daily dosing.
My endocrinolgist prescribed 10 milligrams 3 times a week just to be on the safe side and keep my bad cholesterol LDL in check which wasn’t bad to begin with and HDL was normal.
I was prescribed simvastatin long ago as a preventive measure. I still take 10 mg per day. Sometimes I wonder why, given the long list of side-effects. But I’m all in favor of flexible veins and arteries. 😀