Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
Haven’t seen any health care providers for more than two years because of Covid, phone contact only. T1 65+ a few yrs with no complications, just had an eye exam & all is GREAT.
Every visit both endo & PCP make me take off shoes so they can check feet. Not every visit for all of the above but something is done every visit. Thankfully no problems with neuropathy.
My current endocrinologist has only checked my feet once at my initial appointment 4 years ago. She knows I’ve seen podiatrist twice in the past 4 years and he did check for neuropathy. My A1C’s have been good for years now is why I think she hasn’t checked recently as well as the online telehealth visits made checking impossible.
My endo checked me at my 90 day exam last month. I passed. At previous exams I’ve told her that I’ve been awakened by “electric shock” pain in my toes at night. Because I continue to “pass” the neuropathy screening, there’s no response when I’ve mentioned the discomfort. Sixty-six years living with T1 has left me with nerve damage in my hands, shoulders and feet…but I’ve never received a dx of neuropathy.
At least once a year as an obligatory exam to meet health insurance and Medicare guidelines. However, it is a mute point because I have had progressive, but stable, peripheral neuropathy for years. It hasn’t gotten any better or any worse. It just is what it is. I see a podiatrist every 60 days for ongoing follow-up care – he keeps track of any subtle nerve damage progression or structural changes in my feet.
They used to do the monofilament test and the tuning fork test once a year. But, I haven’t had it done since my PA changed a number of years ago. And, now that appointments are done only online, it’s not likely to get done anytime soon.
I’ve had T1D for 25 years and I think I’ve only had a monofilament test maybe 2-3 times, when I bought up symptoms of cold feet and foot swelling. Otherwise, the foot exam has been mostly a quick annual look and check of pedal pulses, which have been good. As others have mentioned no physical check-ups in the last year due to COVID.
Back when I had an actual endocrinologist, and not a mirror resident, he tested my feet at every visit. The resident, who I’ve had to deal with for the last two years, tells me that I have to go to Podiatry for that.
My PCP and endo have both done it occasionally but not on any set schedule.
T1 57 yrs, used to be a yearly check but neuropathy progressed so far haven’t checked for years – “It’s Dead, Jim”
Except my feeling was uneven a few years ago. Endocrinologist said that was extremely unusual. Since then always OK. Maybe shoes.
Haven’t seen any health care providers for more than two years because of Covid, phone contact only. T1 65+ a few yrs with no complications, just had an eye exam & all is GREAT.
So they can screen. Can somebody please explain what good comes out of it?
Every visit both endo & PCP make me take off shoes so they can check feet. Not every visit for all of the above but something is done every visit. Thankfully no problems with neuropathy.
My current endocrinologist has only checked my feet once at my initial appointment 4 years ago. She knows I’ve seen podiatrist twice in the past 4 years and he did check for neuropathy. My A1C’s have been good for years now is why I think she hasn’t checked recently as well as the online telehealth visits made checking impossible.
My endo checked me at my 90 day exam last month. I passed. At previous exams I’ve told her that I’ve been awakened by “electric shock” pain in my toes at night. Because I continue to “pass” the neuropathy screening, there’s no response when I’ve mentioned the discomfort. Sixty-six years living with T1 has left me with nerve damage in my hands, shoulders and feet…but I’ve never received a dx of neuropathy.
At least once a year as an obligatory exam to meet health insurance and Medicare guidelines. However, it is a mute point because I have had progressive, but stable, peripheral neuropathy for years. It hasn’t gotten any better or any worse. It just is what it is. I see a podiatrist every 60 days for ongoing follow-up care – he keeps track of any subtle nerve damage progression or structural changes in my feet.
They used to do the monofilament test and the tuning fork test once a year. But, I haven’t had it done since my PA changed a number of years ago. And, now that appointments are done only online, it’s not likely to get done anytime soon.
I’ve had T1D for 25 years and I think I’ve only had a monofilament test maybe 2-3 times, when I bought up symptoms of cold feet and foot swelling. Otherwise, the foot exam has been mostly a quick annual look and check of pedal pulses, which have been good. As others have mentioned no physical check-ups in the last year due to COVID.
Used to be annually, but hasn’t been done in the last 4 years or so….
It was every visit, but it’s been a while since covid started since appointments have all been by phone
I see Podiatrist every 3 months who sends report to T1D care provider.
Back when I had an actual endocrinologist, and not a mirror resident, he tested my feet at every visit. The resident, who I’ve had to deal with for the last two years, tells me that I have to go to Podiatry for that.
Pre-Covid my Endo would test at each visit, approximately every 6 months.
I don’t remember ever being tested, but my memory is poor