How many times in 2020 did you get a dilated eye exam (involving eye drops) with an optometrist or ophthalmologist?
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Only one eye dilates any more. Tough for the ophthalmologist, but I still see and drive. First fluorescene treatment and laser treatment was in 1976. Keep vigilant and do the exam with regularity. 💪⛄🌄(ʘᴗʘ✿). (人 •͈ᴗ•͈). ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Every single month, but not due to Retinopathy. I was diagnosed last year with Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration.
I’ve had an annual dilated eye exam with a retina specialist for the past fifteen plus years.
I said 0, because a) it hasn’t happened yet and b) it won’t be a dilated eye exam. I called to schedule it a couple months ago and was told they don’t need to dilate my eyes anymore because they have a new camera. So when it comes up I’ll go in to the hospital for the photos and then have a telehealth appointment with my ophthalmologist later in the day.
Usually once a year but other times this year because because I had cataract surgery in both eyes.
I’m waiting until it is safer to go into waiting rooms filled with older, vulnerable people, have rescheduled in the new year.
Mostly I just go once a year. This year I had some cluster ocular migraines that The ophthalmologist wanted to rule out eye issues – turns out it was a brain issue.
I usually go once a year. I was due in October, but my endo said since I was all clear last year, I should wait until spring. She didn’t say specifically, but I had the impression it was because of Covid. I’ve always had dilation, but a guy a work with said his eye doctor could do it without that. I am going to ask about it. I have always gone at the end of the day, but last year they had a cancellation the next morning and I took it. Big mistake, I forgot about dilation. It was really tough working the rest of the day.
I had four this past year because my ophthalmologist thought he saw something new in my good eye. So I saw my retinal ophthalmologist once, regular ophthalmologist twice and and optometrist once for new glasses.
I see my retina specialist every 8 weeks for injections to battle diabetic retinopathy. Each visit involves a dilated pupil exam and retinal scans.
Decided to keep my Retinologist safe and wait until after Vaccination for a visit.
I get really cool pictures taken of my eyes once a year by my optometrist, the pictures are sent to my endo ( my endo and eyeclinic share an office. Its a whole diabetes hub: endos, eyeclinic, foot doc, pharmacist, weight management center).
Last October I went to the Eye Institute for my yearly visit and was diagnosed with mild nonproliferative retinopathy of both eyes without macular edema. I usually receive a call from them every year to make an appointment. This question was a good reminder to do so.
Deferred this year due to COVID-19.
I go twice a year due to the fact I was born blind in my left eye (retinal damage before birth). I’m getting a starburst cataract in the good eye after 55 years with T1D, but it not ripe enough to remove at this point in time. Cataracts are hereditary in my family and I have no diabetic-related disease in my eyes at this point in time! 🙂