How do your stress levels fluctuate around the holidays?
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Neither and none of the above. Stress levels generally stay the same, although I do experience a sense of relief and anticipation that as another one year cycle completes itself a new one is to begin.
None of the above, my stress level is about the same.
I’m less because my family has low expectations HaHa. We have few cooks in our family so we all chip in pretty fairly and don’t go overboard. Plus I work for a catholic university so we have two weeks off with pay which is awesome. It’s HIGHLY stressful in January but small price to pay. Stay well everyone and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays.
I marked other because there really is no change in my stress levels. Since retirement, there isn’t really much to stress about.
December is a very busy month which isn’t exactly stressful, just a lot more to do and a lot of people you want to remember or reconnect with. This computer has made it easy to remember and reconnect, so I am thankful for the technology. Giving up caffeine has helped me sleep better and stress seems lower, but I have to admit I miss the pickup of strong coffee.
In most years, the holidays do not have much affect on my stress level. This year is different; much more stress at least partly due to the isolation that has come along with Covid-19.
no change. I wish that had been a choice here.
My stress levels used to be through the roof. So much so that I started to dread the holidays. When I became a Jehovah’s Witness and no longer celebrated holidays, I thought I would miss them terribly. I didn’t. The freedom from the stress of it all keeps me happier during the season than actually celebrating. I highly recommend it!
I crochet my Christmas presents. I get anxious when I haven’t gotten all of them done! I only feel excitement when it comes to Christmas and celebrating the sharing with love of the season.
This year more than other years but it is more covid and political divide that I believe are contributing factors.
My stress overall is the same as the rest of the year.
We are retired so don’t have a lot of time constraints. We normally socialize quite a bit during the holidays which will be different this year but when entertaining try not to go overboard and demand too much of myself to cause extra stress. For doing gifts we have try to do things of a more personal nature like taking our great nieces out shopping so they can select Christmas gifts that they would like and then go to a restaurant to have a fun meal. For our grown nieces and nephews we give an Italian dinner party gift certificate which I cook at home sometime in January February and March where we can get together and catch up with that generation. They greatly look forward to getting this gift. This illuminates the stress of trying to figure out what kind of a gift everyone wants and people all get what they like this way.
Same amount of stress- maybe a tish more due to shopping, but overall my stress levels are the same.
Less stress. Since retirement there are no deadlines to meet. None! We have relatives who send their gifts January 15th. We have friends who send cards January 31st with regularity. And I absolutely love the poem MERRY by Shel Silverstein No one’s hangin’ stockin’s up, No one’s bakin’ pie, No one’s lookin’ up to see A new star in the sky. No one’s talkin’ brotherhood, No one’s givin’ gifts, And no one loves a Christmas tree On March the twenty-fifth.
I don’t notice a difference in my stress around the holidays.