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I do a regular bolus as I don’t have much cheese when I eat pizza, a bit of parmesan. I do have pepperoni, but that’s the only fat besides parmesan.
I make my own veggie pizza with an ultra thin crust that I purchase. I don’t load with cheese, just sprinkle parmesan cheese on top. Because I do MDI, I just bolus before I eat and limit the amount to 2 slices.
I make mine the same as you. But, what is MDI? I keep seeing this acronym, but don’t know what it means. I’m thinking multiple daily injections?
To Lawrence Stearns: MDI = Multiple Daily Injections.
I try to avoid pizza if possible.
I stopped eating pizza years ago. Too difficult.
Bolus for carbs, a bit extra in case the sauce has sugar.
I’m looping using automatic bolus. I get a series of small boluses (boli?) to compensate for metabolism of pizza. Works really well! Been looping for 5 months now (T1d for 43 years) and am within range about 80% of the time. No food is a challenge any more.
Great question. I love a really good pizza, but avoid overindulging mostly out of concern for weight management. The bolusing can be tricky – I use an extended wave bolus, assuming two slices, but I redo it if I can’t resist that third slice. And then I keep a close eye on my CGM numbers, and do additional regular boluses if I’m trending high (always using the Medtronic Minimed Bolus Wizard to determine the size of the bolus).
I do not eat pizza!!!
bolus wizard for carb, adding 1/5 of fat & or meat
Auto Mode on the Medtronic 770g system does not allow Dual or Square Bolus, therefore it is a regular bolus and watching my glucose trends. If I am not in Auto Mode, a rare event, then I use the Square Bolus.
Just avoid Pizza so not a problem.
We don’t do regular pizza – it’s just to difficult. But I make pizza with Cali’flour crusts that have a total of 6 net carbs in the entire crust (have to be careful to read labels as many other brands contain a lot of starchy/carby ingredients.)
When I have time, I also make Fathead crust which is REALLY good, if you can handle the calories.
A dual wave bolus (half now, half over 2 hr) with the Tandem pump using HQ technology seems to work pretty well, although supplemental boluses may be needed.
Similar to MDI, but inhaled insulin offers fixed cartridges. I usually will inhale twice just as a patient on MDI might give two shots. I find I need less insulin up front and about 90 – 120 minutes later I need a second dose. Ratio of about 40% of my dose once BG starts to rise, and 60% as a f/u dose
I found out years ago what works for me through plain old trial and error. I know how much to bolus for how much pizza I plan on eating. I’m on MDI so I bolus and just keep a closer eye on my bs afterwards. I know the way I trend with pizza and I don’t worry about it too much. It just works for me. 😊
Very carefully. Really pretty much the same as most everyone else. I wait for the initial rise (sometimes more than 1/2 hour after the pizza) and then bolus 50% of dose with a one-hour extended bolus of the second 50%. It works pretty well. I do have to add in extra for fat. I’d rather have it at lunch or a really early supper, so I have more activity after to help offset the carbs.
With eating only thin crust pizza, most often I give a smaller 2nd dose a few hours after my initial dose. I can also have more than just one small slice!
Where did you all learn about extended bolusing etc? When the sales rep taught me how to use my Omnipod she didn’t mention any of it. Just basic bolusing. And, is it the fat (cheese) in pizza that is the concern?
I’ve tried single bolus and extended. Both have worked on occasion.
I find that with pizza and Chinese I pretty much have to play it by ear. Watch the CGM and try to adjust Control IQ helps a lot.
Don’t eat as much pizza as I did in the past, but when I do I use an extended bolus with 40% followed by 60% 2 hours later. Then I watch the CGM and if needed, take corrections.
I do 36 carbs per slice, I usually eat 2. The first one I do an extended bolus, 36 carbs 50/50 over an hour. If I choose to eat another slice I bolus the full 36 carbs 95% of the time it works for me!
I only eat the cheese and meat toppings which requires a small dose up front and a few hours later when the fat/protein hits.
Dual bolus over 1 hour (50% now for the sugar in the tomato sauce and 50% over the hour to cover the dough).