Do you use overlay tapes on your diabetes devices to help them stick?
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Always my Dexcom, sometimes my infusion set
For my Dexcom I use a skin barrier, then skin tac. That seems to help it stay on for the full 10 days. For the pump infusion site it depends on where I place it. on my thighs I need to use opsite flexifit tape and that helps it to stay on.
The only time I use a cover tape is when I wear my infusion site on my thighs, the friction from my pants works it lose, the tegaderm protects it.
It’s a requirement for the Med. Guardian 3 sensors, one of the things that finally put me off of that system, because it’s not just a simple process, very badly designed if you’re at all fumble-fingered. With Dexcom I usually don’t have to, but they supply their own overtape that’s easy to apply even in awkward spots. In either case, though: Skin Tac is your friend.
My endo told me that Dexcom recently improved the stickiness of the G6 (September/October time frame). Prior to this change, I had to use an overlay every time to get close to saying on for 10 days. Now with the change, I am usually able to wear it for the whole 10 days without the overlay. I am unfortunately allergic to the new stickiness material so I have to use Flonase on the spot where I will insert the G6 or else it will begin to itch and be irritated within about 5 hours. The Flonase works great!
Pods stick to me like glue. I have to pry them off after 80 hours. Dexcom sensors stick well for at least 10 days. If I re-start them sometimes the edges pull up so I secure it with the free patches Dexcom gives out.
I learned the hard way with the Abbott Freestyle Libre 14 day. The sensor was coming off too early or simply falling off my arm when changing clothes or bathing. The transparent patches of clear tape have solved that problem and I’m glad I asked the the companies, Abbott and US Med, about this transparent tape. It is easy to remove and so is the sensor, plus it stays on for 14 days now. YEAH
I add extra adhesives to my Dexcom, but never to my pump/infusion set
I have to double tape my CGM but never have the need to tape down infusion set.
Ditto cgm but not infusion sets.
I answered sometimes. It’s actually always for the CGM and occasionally for the pod.
Always use over patches on both Dexcom G6 and T-slim. Use Dexcom’s patch, Make my own for the T-slim from AREZA Transparent Adhesive Film Dressing. Very inexpensive for 100.
I always use dexcoms overlay tape for my sensors. For Tandem sites I only use IV3000 when using trusteel. I’ve had the needle come out too many times.
I always use extra tape on my Dexcom and infusion site. I am a big guy and bumping into things can tear them off. Also live in very tropical Southwest Florida so perspiration is also an issue not to mention swimming and salt water. Extra tape and patches are a must.
Just the tape that comes with the Guardian sensor.
same as others. Always for G6 sensor-their overtape. Not for infusion sets except trusteel
Always over my sensor and transmitter.
I use tape over the CGM only. I take my pump off to shower so I don’t tape over the infusion site…
Now that I have a better understanding of where to place it, my libre seldom detaches. The few times it has, it was always because I had scraped my arm against a doorway.
skin tack for my libre
Never on my pump sites. If by overlay tapes you mean tegaderm hypersensitive, yes I place it UNDER my G6 , so it stays on for the full 10 days.
Hardly ever. Tried them for awhile but don’t have the need for frequent use.
Always for Dexcom. Only for decoration on Omnipods.
Using Dexcom Overlay Patch for the CGM. Dexcom provides it for free. It’s easy to apply and protects the sensor for the entire duration. Surgical paper tape for the back end of the Tandem infusion set. It keeps it firmly in place for longer and makes it deliver the insulin more efficiently.
I answered sometimes but the real answer is “frequently”. I also use a skin prep wipe (tacky sort of stuff) to help avoid skin breakdown.
Always for my sensors, very rarely for infusion sets.
Skin Tack does the trick, no more tape.
I rarely need any help in needing my devices stick. My “other” answer would be at the most, four times a year.
I use overlay patches for my Dexcom CGM but I find they are not needed for my pump infusion sets.
I have to use Mastisol and that lovely tape that comes with the Medtronic 670g sensors to get it to stick. I’m okay with just skin prep wipes for my pump sites. Those sensors though… my goodness. Holy unlucky skin.
I have to put duoderm under my sensor to prevent a rash. Nothing but that has worked and i use expression med overpatches to keep everything on.
For my Medtronic CGM sensors I use simpatch on top of the. Overlay tapes
No overlays, just Skin Tac on my G6.
I use overlays on the Medtronic sensor but none on my insulin insertion.
I use Skin-Tac when applying CGM sensors; not overlays.
I use the Dexcom overlay tape for the G6. So far I haven’t found it necessary to use anything for my Tandem Infusion sets.
I have very sensitive skin and I’m limited on which tape I can use. I use the dexcom overlay for the dexcom sensor. The tape on the dexcom sensor starts to lift after a few days without the overlay. I use tegaderm for the t-slim true steel since no tape is provided. Without tape the tubing would get caught on something and the site would be pulled out.
I rarely need to but used to. Now I use Skin-Tac on Dexcom and it rarely peels before the end of the 10 days. I don’t need tape for my pump sites, it sticks well for me unless a lot of sweating, then I just change it and start using Skin Tac as well. Skin Tac has been a game changer for me.
I put “other” because I have not tried the overlay products, but a friend of my husband’s uses the FreeStyle Libre CGM and was having the same trouble I was having with the new glue they switched to. Skin Tac adhesive, put on the site before insertion keeps the disc on there for 14 days! Now I have trouble removing it – like I did before they switched glue.
Both Medtronic and Tandem infusion site adhesives work well for me. However, the Dexcom G6 tape occasionally comes loose around the edges when I’m heavily exercising/working outside or on Day 9 and 10. I sparingly use the G6 overlay tape as it often causes welts.