Do you (or your loved one with T1D) have astigmatism?
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I had one before and after cataract surgery.
What is the impetus of this question?
I’ve had this twenty-five years previous to diabetes.
Had it my whole life, well before T1. Is there a reason this question is being asked? Is there a connection to possible future macular degeneration? While I do sometimes learn something from other commenters, I often wish there was more official followup/explanation with these questions. Sometimes feels like we’re just shouting into the void….or worse that this is a marketing trick to keep us engaged so that we’ll donate more.
I would also like to get some follow up in this question. I had an astigmatism in one eye which was corrected with cataract surgery but the retina is having wavy problems after the surgery, supposedly unrelated to T1D.
Yes I agree with Mike, more info so we can learn something more than just aimlessly commenting without substance.
Had it before T1 Dx but was corrected by Cataract Surgery
Hi everyone! This question was written out of curiosity if astigmatism rates in people with T1D are consistent with the astigmatism rates of the general population. To my knowledge there is no current evidence that the two conditions are related, but if the results of this survey show that people with T1D do indeed have higher rates, it would be interesting to research further.
Honestly, I have no idea, but am wearing bifocals with high definition lenses, as well as transitions and anti-glare. Love these options in my glasses. I may have astigmatism, but don’t know for sure.
I’ve have astigmatism my whole life, so 50 years & 11 months now. My T1D brother and niece do not.
I’m not answering most questions anymore with such trivial questions being asked that have little or not impact on my T1D life.
I’ve never been diagnosed as suffering with astigmatism, but for years before my Type 1 diagnosis I had difficulty focusing on things, whether they were close up or far away. The chances of it actually being investigated now is remote as I’ve had, literally, hundreds of courses of laser treatment on both eyes, have had intraocular lens replacements in both eyes, due to severe cataracts, and have developed ARMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration).
I never had astigmatism before, but I think it was a couple of years ago the dr said I had it. I’ve had T1D for 5 1/2 so it could be associated with it
I have no idea if I have astigmatism, but I do have glasses.
It turns out that my astigmatism is corneal NOT lenticular. And only effects my distance vision, not my near vision.
I agree with everyone about shouting into the void. The questions used to have “Like” buttons and I am pretty sure a reply option to other users. I like reading the comments and getting helpful hints or learning new stuff. Sometimes I have questions as well. BTW, no astigmatism.
Yes, both eyes. I’ve worn glasses since early childhood. Dx with T1D in 1955 at the age of 8.
Not sure how to answer here. I have mild astigmatism, and so answered “Yes”, but there’s a question of where the line is drawn. Mine is mild enough to have little effect.