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I like the Target brand ones OK, not crazy about any of them but they do the job
I’ve only tried CVS and Walgreens. To me, they taste like Sweetarts, so I like them OK. The CVS ones are better, they are softer and dissolve/chew up quicker.
I have always resisted glucose tabs because they feel like sawdust in my mouth. So you have to use something you like. For me, it is gum drops and they don’t melt in your purse.
Flavors do no matter to me but the fact that they all have artificial colors that are banned by almost every country in the world for causing birth defects in kids does.
Why pay for something expensive? Just eat some hard candy, small, let it dissolve in your mouth against the inside of your cheek. Then check BG. Might need some food. Keep checking or pay attention to your CGM. Don’t drive or any of that til stable for an hour.
All of them make me gag. I prefer to use gum drop candies (like one or two spice drops or a Chuckle), or Transcend glucose gel.
I use glucose gummies that I have found at Walgreens and Rite Aid (which I mail order from RA in quantities so they’re cheaper). They are my go-to for hypos in the middle of the night. They are much easier to eat than the old fashioned chalk-like tablets. I find that glucose works much faster than sucrose. I keep a bottle at my bedside and pop a few in and go right back to sleep after swallowing some water.
Used to prefer Sour Apple but haven’t been able to find that flavor in years!
I use glucose powder which is better. Chocolate soda is not too bad.
They all taste like sicky sweet sawdust to me…that’s why I prefer fruit juice, or in a pinch Transcend glucose gel, very potent, fast and portable but too pricy for routine use.
Watermelon, although I like them a bit too much, so it’s challenging to only eat what is needed.
I agree that the tabs are sickly sweet, but nobody (myself or others) will eat them for enjoyment. As a result, they are always exactly where you put them. More portable than juice, and won’t crush or spoil.
I don’t eat them because I like them, they are exact and do get absorbed quickly if not swallowed. For flavor I use Smarties, straight glucose.
I’ve always liked the orange, but I think it’s because I’m anaphylactic to oranges/tangerines, so that’s the only way I can have them…all fake!
I treat with milk when home, and keep skittles in my car of purse when out. I don’t like glucose tabs. The only ones I did enjoy were the B-D brand orange flavor in the foil packaging from back in the 90s. But, I haven’t seen those in years.
CVS has root beer and chocolate flavored tabs. They’re pretty expensive, so I don’t get them often, but they are really good.
I will buy almost any flavor, don’t like the ones that are unflavored. I only buy them to do the job of raising my Bg when I need it and I’m not home where I can just make me something to eat, so who cares.
At one time, Reli-On made a blueberry flavor that I liked. I find their (Walmart) glucose tablets to be the near expensive also.
CVS used to make glucose tabs in chocolate marshmallow that I like. You can still buy them, but they are more expensive. I bought a case before CVS discontinued them.
Sour Apple but that has been discontinued.
Orange is the least objectionable but they all taste like chalk. I thought they were made that way deliberately so as not to tempt kids into eating them unless they need one. Grownups too, TBH.
Chocolate. I got some on sale in CVS a year or so ago. Haven’t seen them recently. Online they are expensive
I just went looking for glucose or dextrose on the ingredients for candies and found SweetTarts which had it as the first ingredient. Cheaper, but not as “tasty” as the tabs. They’re a little too tarty. At home I just use a juice box.
When I was little lemon was my favorite (because it tasted like lemonade) and in college my local pharmacy carried sour green apple. I wish I could find those flavors now. I’ve always hated “orange.” Doesn’t actually taste anything like an orange.
CVS’ grape is the only 1 for me Although like many others, I prefer not to use them if I have something else available.
While I use them as a last resort, most of the flaors are the same to me except orange. I will not use those. I once found butterscotch flavor at CVS and after reading through the comments it seems that CVS has had a number of weird flavors!
I hate them all and only use if there is no other alternative. I find the orange flavor to be the worst,
Dexcom used to have a Watermelon flavored glucose tab that was fairly good, but they discontinued it a couple of years ago. I now use glucose gummies or carry bags of fun size Skittles. I generally find glucose tabs too chalky, but will use them if nothing else is available.