CGM users: The last time you had a sensor fail or fall off before its session was supposed to be over, how early did you have to change your sensor?
Home > LC Polls > CGM users: The last time you had a sensor fail or fall off before its session was supposed to be over, how early did you have to change your sensor?
Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
Have Dexcom G7. Usually do not have any problems at all. But the other day I knocked one off (my fault ). Applied new one and it would not register readings. Waited about two hours. Kept saying was low. Had to change again. Dexcom replaced both.
Rarely do I have problems with my Dexcom G6’s. However, the last two sensors went – – – on the ninth day. When I reordered my sensor supplies, I mentioned it, not intending to get replacements. Dexcom replaced them anyway. I told him don’t bother, because I’m expecting the G7’s to work with my pump soon. But, they sent two to me anyway.
To repeat what I said above, I ALWAYS request a replacement, b/c Dexcom is (as you report) more than happy to do it, and over time it allows you to have a few extras in your emergency backup supplies stash.
And yeah, looking forward to G7 compatibility with my pump too….
The only time I’ve had a CGM sensor fail was after having been in the ocean and pool multiple times on a cruise. Guess I’m lucky. Not sure if this normal, but I also take care to dry/drain the patch/sensor/pump adhesive area after being in the water.
Accidentally tore one off, but not in the way most folks do. I didn’t rip the whole patch off, but the sensor tore off of the patch! I guess the Dexcom adhesive works really well on my skin…
I usually manage to keep the things on by slathering tape all over ’em—can look pretty ugly by day 10. But I have occasionally had that painful thing where the filament is impinging on the muscle sheath, which is a really yucky sensation and I will usually call Dexcom for a replacement (they’re easy about it) and swap it out. Sometimes that happens early on, but sometimes it only crops up in the last few days of a session. Even if I only have a day left, I ALWAYS request a replacement for reasons of keeping adequate supplies on hand.
I have to admit, this happens less frequently now than in the past. Either kudos to DexCom for working out the bugs and/or the protective patches are working. Probably both.
I believe DXCM has chosen to have its new G7 put on the arm because of the competition is doing so. Personally I have had many problems with this location and reverted to my more comfortable abdomen spot. Readings are the same and it is much easier to install at my stomach!!
I had a fun of bad luck with the dexcom 6. 3 of them in a row failed. All the same number! The first one kept saying wait 3 hours. You know the drill. Finally replaced it and the next one did the same thing, I called dexcom and we tried several remedies and was finally told to change both the transmitter and sensor. Worked fine fir 1 whole day the started telling me I was low ( not feeling a low I checked). When it was actually over 200 on my meter. Then did the wait 3 hours again. Then “ test in 15 minutes”. Continued like that all night. Finally changed it again ( my last sensor till delivery in a few days). Seems to be working now. Yikes. Hope the G7 is better!
Having that trouble as we speak! This sensor is giving me such a hard time – not due to change it until Monday, but by last Wednesday it was telling me “no readings, wait three hours” at least three or four times a day. It’s always come back, but it’s very annoying. I refuse to get rid of it so early! I changed the transmitter at the same time, so hoping it’s not the transmitter.
I typically start getting the “no readings alert” on day 6, very annoying. I keep muttering to myself “10 days my ass”. I have found that turning off my Omnipod 5 PDM for 5 minutes sometimes gets me back on. If not, I turn my smart phone off and on, sometimes that helps. Then I step outside for a second, sometimes that helps. By day 6 I am constantly playing with my devices.
They fail more often than leaves fall from trees. Numerous failed during the initial warm up period. NOT ACCEPTABLE. Several failed loooong before their supposed ten (10) day duration. I have grave doubts CGM’s function as advertised/promised.
Jeff, is it Dexcom or the specific local delivery service? I worked for an alternative to US Postal Service at a hub in a southeast state.. One of the trucks for which we loaded was always so crammed with packages that inevitably some got squashed! We were pressured to load trucks as fast as possible, so packages were frequently thrown. Where I live this has never been a problem regardless of who delivers. But others have reported packages stolen from front porch.
CGM users: The last time you had a sensor fail or fall off before its session was supposed to be over, how early did you have to change your sensor? Cancel reply
It happens so rarely for me that I cannot remember the circumstances of the last time it occurred!
Have Dexcom G7. Usually do not have any problems at all. But the other day I knocked one off (my fault ). Applied new one and it would not register readings. Waited about two hours. Kept saying was low. Had to change again. Dexcom replaced both.
This rarely happens to me, but the last time the readings were so bad for over a day that I was forced to change the sensor.
Rarely do I have problems with my Dexcom G6’s. However, the last two sensors went – – – on the ninth day. When I reordered my sensor supplies, I mentioned it, not intending to get replacements. Dexcom replaced them anyway. I told him don’t bother, because I’m expecting the G7’s to work with my pump soon. But, they sent two to me anyway.
To repeat what I said above, I ALWAYS request a replacement, b/c Dexcom is (as you report) more than happy to do it, and over time it allows you to have a few extras in your emergency backup supplies stash.
And yeah, looking forward to G7 compatibility with my pump too….
The only time I’ve had a CGM sensor fail was after having been in the ocean and pool multiple times on a cruise. Guess I’m lucky. Not sure if this normal, but I also take care to dry/drain the patch/sensor/pump adhesive area after being in the water.
Accidentally tore one off, but not in the way most folks do. I didn’t rip the whole patch off, but the sensor tore off of the patch! I guess the Dexcom adhesive works really well on my skin…
I usually manage to keep the things on by slathering tape all over ’em—can look pretty ugly by day 10. But I have occasionally had that painful thing where the filament is impinging on the muscle sheath, which is a really yucky sensation and I will usually call Dexcom for a replacement (they’re easy about it) and swap it out. Sometimes that happens early on, but sometimes it only crops up in the last few days of a session. Even if I only have a day left, I ALWAYS request a replacement for reasons of keeping adequate supplies on hand.
I have to admit, this happens less frequently now than in the past. Either kudos to DexCom for working out the bugs and/or the protective patches are working. Probably both.
The last one failed to insert properly. So had to do same day. Normally if it just falls off or gets knocked off its 3-5 days.
Have you tried the over patches? Dexcom will send 10 free over patches every 30 days. These patches really seem to help.
It really varies on when I have to replace my cgm. It can be
I believe DXCM has chosen to have its new G7 put on the arm because of the competition is doing so. Personally I have had many problems with this location and reverted to my more comfortable abdomen spot. Readings are the same and it is much easier to install at my stomach!!
I had a fun of bad luck with the dexcom 6. 3 of them in a row failed. All the same number! The first one kept saying wait 3 hours. You know the drill. Finally replaced it and the next one did the same thing, I called dexcom and we tried several remedies and was finally told to change both the transmitter and sensor. Worked fine fir 1 whole day the started telling me I was low ( not feeling a low I checked). When it was actually over 200 on my meter. Then did the wait 3 hours again. Then “ test in 15 minutes”. Continued like that all night. Finally changed it again ( my last sensor till delivery in a few days). Seems to be working now. Yikes. Hope the G7 is better!
Having that trouble as we speak! This sensor is giving me such a hard time – not due to change it until Monday, but by last Wednesday it was telling me “no readings, wait three hours” at least three or four times a day. It’s always come back, but it’s very annoying. I refuse to get rid of it so early! I changed the transmitter at the same time, so hoping it’s not the transmitter.
I typically start getting the “no readings alert” on day 6, very annoying. I keep muttering to myself “10 days my ass”. I have found that turning off my Omnipod 5 PDM for 5 minutes sometimes gets me back on. If not, I turn my smart phone off and on, sometimes that helps. Then I step outside for a second, sometimes that helps. By day 6 I am constantly playing with my devices.
As soon as I got done typing my last comment I went off line again.
I don’t remember a sensor failing but recently my transmitter failed and I had to go a week before a new transmitter and replacement sensor arrived.
They fail more often than leaves fall from trees. Numerous failed during the initial warm up period. NOT ACCEPTABLE. Several failed loooong before their supposed ten (10) day duration. I have grave doubts CGM’s function as advertised/promised.
Jeff, is it Dexcom or the specific local delivery service? I worked for an alternative to US Postal Service at a hub in a southeast state.. One of the trucks for which we loaded was always so crammed with packages that inevitably some got squashed! We were pressured to load trucks as fast as possible, so packages were frequently thrown. Where I live this has never been a problem regardless of who delivers. But others have reported packages stolen from front porch.