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On your wedding day, you want everything to be perfect, from the venue and decorations to the dress and flowers. If you’re a person living with type 1 diabetes (T1D), the more you can prep and plan, the more you can focus on the joy of the day!
Managing blood sugar levels and staying on top of diabetes care may seem like daunting tasks amidst the whirlwind of wedding preparations, but with the right tips and strategies, you can navigate this special day with confidence.
Preparing months head: CGM & pump site scarring
In preparation for my wedding day, I stopped wearing CGM or pump sites on my arms for three months before my wedding to avoid potential bruises, irritated skin from adhesives, and just the general skin damage from diabetes tech.
I put someone in charge of my T1D for the day. I gave my Maid of Honor my phone so she could answer texts and calls, but also so she could watch my Dexcom. I told her that anything between 100 mg/dL and 200 mg/dL was fine, but if I go outside of those, or I have up or down arrows, she should get my attention. Thanks to her, I really didn’t have to think about my diabetes during my wedding.
Early-morning hair & makeup with T1D
Hair and makeup with the bridal party started early on the day of the wedding. I decided I wanted to keep my blood sugar around 160 to 200 mg/dL. I didn’t want to risk going low or too high. I stayed pretty close to 160 mg/dL for most of the day.
Talking to the caterer & nutrition info
Ask your caterer for the nutrition info for the foods you’re going to be eating throughout the reception. This can help you plan your boluses ahead of time so you’re not trying to do calculations during the celebrations.
Pro tip: If you have other people with T1D attending your wedding, include that nutrition info in a small font on their place card or escort card for those people! It’s a nice personal touch that shows your loved ones with T1D you were thinking of them. You could also include the nutrition info on your menus or on your buffet table.
Some caterers might not be able to provide nutrition info. In that case, see if they can provide a list of portion sizes for each dish. It would be nice to know ahead of time if you’re going to be getting 1/2 cup of mashed potatoes versus 3/4 cup of mashed potatoes, or that the carrots are covered in a tablespoon of a sweet honey glaze.
Managing my alcohol & sugar consumption
Typical drinks for the bridal party often included high-carb mimosas, like orange juice and champagne. I just skipped the juice and sipped thoughtfully on champagne.
During the wedding reception, I drank my go-to cocktail of vodka soda with a splash of lemonade. I knew the little bit of sugar from the lemonade would keep me from going low while dancing hard all night!
I organized as much as possible so I could relax on the big day!
I’m a planner — so my wedding was organized and planned to a tee. This meant that I could really relax on the day of. I didn’t give myself a chance to get too stressed out. All of that organization meant the day went really smoothly and it was everything we wanted our wedding to be! It also meant that T1D never got in the way.
T1D shouldn’t take away from your wedding day
By implementing these tips and strategies, you have the power to make your wedding day a seamless and unforgettable experience.
Surround yourself with a supportive network of family and friends who understand your unique needs, and don’t hesitate to ask for help when needed. Remember to take breaks, monitor your blood sugar levels regularly, and prioritize self-care throughout the day.
With proper planning, open communication, and a positive mindset, you can create a wedding day that not only celebrates your love but also serves as a testament to your resilience and strength. Here’s to a joyous wedding day filled with laughter, happiness, and a lifetime of shared moments that will forever hold a special place in your hearts.
What’s your wedding day story? Share with us in the comments!
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Sarah Howard
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I was able to stay in Auto Mode all day on my 770G. My dress was very fitted (mermaid/trumpet style) so I ended up wearing a knee brace around my calf and keeping my pump there.