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Ebekozien, O, Mungmode, A, Miyazaki, B, Rompicherla, S, Lyons, S, Alwazeer, M, Sarhis, J, Mekhoubad, A, Desimone, M, Akturk, H
Background: The T1D Exchange Quality Improvement Collaborative (T1DX-QI) is a learning network of over forty US type 1 diabetes clinics. Participating clinics share data for benchmarking, population health trends and monitoring quality improvement activities.
Method: T1DX-QI clinics complete an extensive data-mapping process to submit reports from clinic electronic medical records (EMR) system. The T1DX EMR database contains information for over 55,000 US patients and allows for robust population health analysis including percentage of patients using a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) or insulin pump. The percentage of patients using either device was calculated from 2016-2021.
Results: From 2016 to 2021, the percentage of patients using CGM increased from 59% to 72%. Over the same time period, the percentage of patients using pumps remained stable (median 54%) . For both devices, racial disparity persisted: there was a 27% and 31% difference in percentage of non-Hispanic White (NHW) and non-Hispanic Black (NHB) patients using CGM in 2016 (N = 17431) and 2021 (N = 20908) , respectively; in the same years, there was a 36% and 37% difference in percentage of NHW and NHB patients using a pump.
Conclusion: While there is robust increase in diabetes device uptake, inequities persist in access to these technologies.