Would you consider using a smart insulin pen such as InPen from Companion Medical/Medtronic?
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I have no idea what a Smart insulin pen is, so it is difficult to answer. You should explain the terms for we seniors who aren’t as Smart
I used the ipen for several months. It is a good device but I am now using a Tandem pump.
My husband uses the inpen and it works great. It tells him insulin on board. I use a pump, which does that too but he doesn’t want to pump. I have an inpen for if my pump fails or if I decide to quit using the pump. We are both type 1 seniors.
When I was MDI I used the In-Pen which I liked but it needed work. I am now on a pump so there is no need for my In-Pen.
I’m a Medtronic pump user, and have been since 1998, so once someone can convince me that a “smart insulin pen such as InPen from Companion Medical/Medtronic” it’s a better option, I will remain with my CSII (Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion) System.
I am 54 and T1D for 37. Have been using a pump most of the time for around 25 years. Even before recently getting cgm going back to multiple injections and multiple insulins would be a nightmare. Fortunately medtronic has been very good to me and I have never been without a pump for more than 2 days. Even when uninsured.
It’s a hard no from me. My 18 year old niece is invested in it, though. If she would remember to ask her endocrinologist about, I’m sure she would already be on it.
I would not but not because I don’t think it is an innovative product- I do- but rather because I am on a pump. But people with T1D need choices. Most people w T1D are not on pumps. InPen was bought by Medtronic. It uses an app to provide a bolus calculator- which does the diabetes math for people-, provides reminders on meal and basal injections, keeps track of insulin on board in real time, and keeps records that ‘level the playing field’ between those on pumps and those on multiple injections. InPen is the only fully functional smart pen filling all those needs. I think they were struggling before to get established, and hopefully becoming part of Medtronic will provide them more resources. And hopefully Medtronic will continue to support InPen’s innovative approach and future products and advancements. That’s often not what happens when a big company buys a small company.
Already on a pump
I’m a newbie and on MDI. I want all the bells and whistles without being tethered to a pump, so my endo has initiated the InPen process for me. I can’t wait!
I answered other because I didn’t know what it was. Thanks for the informative comments. If for some reason, I could no longer have a pump, it sounds like a good device.
No. I’m very happy with my loopable Omnipod.
Never heard of it so I said “other”. Excited to read thoughts, and hear endo’s view, on something new.
I’ve been using an InPen for almost a year now. I have no intention to pump, so it is great to know how much insulin I have on board.
I’ve been using the InPen for over a year, though with Dexcom. I started using it, when I simply ran out of good sites for the pump. I’m giving my body at least a two year pump vacation and I am pleased with it. It was easy to get started because I had all the calculations from the pump. My biggest challenge remains maintaining a satisfactory basal rate when using Lantus. Basal rates are definitely easier on a pump.
I never heard of this.
I would need a lot more information. I have not had good experiences with Medtronic pumps or sensors.
I will not use anything related to Medtronic.
I don’t know anything about it or how it compares to using a pump. But we are happy with the T-Slim pump so are unlikely to use the InPen.
I would like to use it for back up but insurance won’t cover it
I been using this device for at least two years and LOVE it! Being able to see when I last took a dose and how much insulin I have on board are wonderful! I also have it set to send a notification once my bolus (insulin on board) has run out. That way, I can check my CGM and see if I need to take a correction bolus. The InPen was quite inexpensive and customer service has been great. I would definitely recommend it for anyone who does not want to use a pump or wants to enhance their MDI experience.
Would use it when I can use it with Dexcom G6 (or G7 in the future!!)
Other – never heard of it.
Use it & love it! Its effectively a pump without the pump… does all the same math, connects to a CGM, shows IOB but no infusion sets, tape rash, bad sites or tubing hassle. I used various pumps for ~15years but the inPen solves so many problems for me I don’t see why (at least until Tandem’s CIQ just came out) I would ever want to go back!