How many appointments did you have in 2020 with your main diabetes healthcare provider?
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I normally have 4/yr, but I started using a pump in February, so I’ve had at least twice that this year.
I only have 1x appt a year, each year. The only difference this year was it was a telemedicine appt instead of in person. Still had to go and get labs drawn at office a few days before tho.
For Medicare to cover my pump supplies, sensors and insulin, I’m required to see my endocrinologist every 3 months.
My doctor always says come back in three months, but usually it’s 4 months before she has an appointment open. That makes it 3 a year instead of 4.
For the last 5 years or so, I have only been seeing my doc one time a year and this year was no different in that regard, but it was done as a video appointment instead of in person. I do go in twice a year for an A1c though and this year I only went in once, which was before the pandemic began. We skipped the one in I should have had in July and neither my doc or I cared about that at all. Both my doc and I are pretty sure we already know what my approximate A1c is as it has been very consistent all along, and I test often enough to know that there really would not have been much of a change.
I go 3 times a year as per my endocrinologist but after 37 years I kind of got it down now 😊
I see my endo every three months. This year the last three visits have been telemedicine appointments. I would prefer them to be in person, but that’s not what they are doing right now. I still go in for labs prior to my appointments.
I answered 5 times. Medicare requires a visit within 90 days in order to get supplies. Too much to manage, so I go every 10 weeks vs 12 weeks. All of those this year have been tele-med. Have A Sparkling Day! John P McLaughlin Sr
For years I have been seeing my doc once a year to get lab work done and my prescriptions refilled. I will be going on Medicare soon, and don’t look forward to more frequent visits as they seem a waste of time & expense for someone whose TIR is 90%.
I have had 2 “visits” with my endo this year. 1 in person in early March and 1 via Telehealth in September. With Loop handling most of the insulin dosing decisions, basically the appointments are to make sure the prescriptions are written.
I saw my endo twice and his NP the other two times.
I went the 4 times per year required by Medicare for Type 1 diabetics on pumps.
Two, per usual, both in person. I’m not on Medicare yet, but looking to sign up in 2021. I’m curious, for all those on Medicare, who say they have to go every 3 months: is that because you only have Medicare? Or even if you have a Supplemental Insurance, do you still have to go every 3 months? Thanks for your input.
For decades, I saw my endo every 4 months (if I was doing well) and every 3 months if not. Now, as he approaches retirement and the number of diabetics are increasing, I see him every 4-6 months. He’s my lifeline.
Four. All tele-medicine. Saves hours and hours of city traffic. The medicare requirement for every 90 days? Their committee of physicians and advisors recommends this, even though my secondary insurance does not. And many of us experienced veterans (long timers) find it risible at times. 🤷🏻♂ 🤷🏻♂ 🤷🏻♂