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I have lived 7-1/2 decades and only known T1D as a way of life. I was elected to this community by unanimous vote before I could even vote or even read or write. Thank you all. (👍 ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)👍
I love your knowledgeable comments! Hope you don’t have too many complications….
PDR, PDN in lower legs, gastroparesis. Goes with the territory. Or the office. Maybe I should hang the awards on the wall. Wadda ya think?
I’ve had T1D for 45 years and a daughter with T1D for the last 12 years.
I’ve had Type 1 for 34 years, plus one sister who was diagnosed later in life around 10 years ago.
Diagnosed as an adult. Both parents diabetics. Mom T2D, dad T1D. All 5 of my siblings are either diabetes or pre now. Some nieces are diabetics as well. My 2 adult sons are not.
Boy, that’s alot of diabetes in you family. Do you talk about it a lot?
I’m lalmost 72 and got T1d in 1962. April 2022 will be my 60th Anniversary. Woo hoo! I’ll have a party and serve only champagne and serve roasted chicken salad, gluten free crackers. (Celiac too), veggies and fruit and cheese for dessert.
I would like an invitation to your celebration. I am 2 years younger than you, but we started this lifestyle in the same year. Your menu sounds perfect.
Congrats! I will also celebrate 60 years “diaversary” in 2022 (July)[
I will celebrate my 60 year “diaversary” in 2022. Congratulations to all of us long haulers!!!
And I will be 90 with 69 years T1D.. I want to join the party also!!
I have surgical diabetes, after surgery for a neuroendocrine tumor in the pancreas.
I had sudden onset T1D at 68. Because it also happened to my mom when she was 58, I knew what it was and ignored the er doctors who said I had type 2 .
type 1
I (age 46) and my nephew (age 11) were diagnosed within three months of each other in 1987!
Son with Type 1 and also am a primary care physician