When your pump or CGM sites feel irritated or uncomfortable on your skin, do you change your site or wait for the session to be over?
Home > LC Polls > When your pump or CGM sites feel irritated or uncomfortable on your skin, do you change your site or wait for the session to be over?
Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
If it’s my pump site, I’ll go ahead and change it if it’s actually bothering me because that’s rare. If it’s my sensor, I’ll try to hold off until it’s time to change it.
Since I have been wearing a transparent medical tape over the sensor, some time the irritation is from the tape. So I just cut that piece of tape off the irritation and put cortizone cream on the irritation. So far, so good.
When I was on the pump, I’d change my site right away. On Dexcom I’ve only once had the problem and I did change the sensor once it was obvious that the pain wasn’t going away. When I removedf it, there was a lot of blood so I called Dexcom and, after explaining the situation, they sent me a replacement.
Tapes don’t bother my skin the only discomfort I have ever felt was the sure t site needle hitting muscle. I will usually change to avoid an unexpected blockage
I try to wait it out on my CGM, I have had Medtronic ones fall out because of my allergy to the actual sensor. For a pump site I change it out as soon as I can.
Hello hope everybody is well. Ive used a medtronic mini med paradigm 720 since 2010, new one in 2015 never had an issue with the adhesive or site with pump site changes. Just got a sexy dexy g6, first three sensors no problem, the last 2 from the same lot# burned the skin on my arms. (Looks like i have a million red dots in the shape of a dexcom, itches, burns, is sore it actually hurts to be honest from the glue/adhesive) will start using all kare skin barrier too see if that helps. Also just received my new tandem tslim (eligible for a new pump every 5 years) and have had no site issues.
I currently use the Dexcom G5; I’ve used it 2 – 3 years. I usually re-start the sensor at the end of session and wear it 2 – 3 weeks (7 day sensor session with G5), I have not experienced skin irritations from the CGM sites. Occasionally I have an irritation with infusion sites, I use the Medtronic silhouette infusion sets with an Accu-Chek Spirit combo pump. I am very thankful that I have not had skin irritations with either!
As my sites (CGM and pump) are almost always uncomfortable, I wait it out (unless the pump and site are malfunctioning). The itchiness and/or pain (like a bruise being constantly pushed on and more) have to be endured… my insurance would never pay for the replacement devices… and, I would soon lose more real estate on my body for places to place the devices.
Never had a skin problem with meditronic infusion sets but I have had a couple of them hurt because I put them in the wrong spot and they hurt I try too wait it out but usually change them out
I have only had irritation one time wearing an Omnipod on my upper hip. It was 95 degrees in Minnesota and walking around outside all day while on vacation. We left are friends and drove a while until I couldn’t take the pain and asked husband to pull over so I could take a look. It looked bad enough that I removed it and put a new one on my stomach. When we got home I did research and began using a barrier wipe before attaching anything to my body. No problems since!
I am in the same position as KarenM6- my insurance does not allow me any freedom to get 1 extra sensor or POD, so I just bite my lip and endure. The Dexcom adhesive used to be great, but in the past year has become more irritating.
I use metal infusion sets, so once in awhile it hurts a little.I usually just ride it out. It usually settles in after awhile. A few times, it hurts a lot and I just change it out. Sometimes I can just pull it out and put it in somewhere else. The joys of metal infusion sets.
I wait it out unless it gets more painful. Many times, the site irritation is because of clothing or large boluses with meals. A change of clothes or getting up and walking/exercising seems to make the irritation go away the majority of the time.
I change the site if my readings or BG does not seem right.
If it’s my pump site, I’ll go ahead and change it if it’s actually bothering me because that’s rare. If it’s my sensor, I’ll try to hold off until it’s time to change it.
Since I have been wearing a transparent medical tape over the sensor, some time the irritation is from the tape. So I just cut that piece of tape off the irritation and put cortizone cream on the irritation. So far, so good.
When I was on the pump, I’d change my site right away. On Dexcom I’ve only once had the problem and I did change the sensor once it was obvious that the pain wasn’t going away. When I removedf it, there was a lot of blood so I called Dexcom and, after explaining the situation, they sent me a replacement.
Only if the pump/cgm seems to be malfunctioning. Otherwise I do my best to wait it out.
Tapes don’t bother my skin the only discomfort I have ever felt was the sure t site needle hitting muscle. I will usually change to avoid an unexpected blockage
OTHET. Each instance of “iteration ” poses unique characteristics and need a reason. After analysis, i decide best option
I try to wait it out on my CGM, I have had Medtronic ones fall out because of my allergy to the actual sensor. For a pump site I change it out as soon as I can.
I use the libre, and it seems to have fewer problems. I have never had any discomfort.
Hello hope everybody is well. Ive used a medtronic mini med paradigm 720 since 2010, new one in 2015 never had an issue with the adhesive or site with pump site changes. Just got a sexy dexy g6, first three sensors no problem, the last 2 from the same lot# burned the skin on my arms. (Looks like i have a million red dots in the shape of a dexcom, itches, burns, is sore it actually hurts to be honest from the glue/adhesive) will start using all kare skin barrier too see if that helps. Also just received my new tandem tslim (eligible for a new pump every 5 years) and have had no site issues.
I currently use the Dexcom G5; I’ve used it 2 – 3 years. I usually re-start the sensor at the end of session and wear it 2 – 3 weeks (7 day sensor session with G5), I have not experienced skin irritations from the CGM sites. Occasionally I have an irritation with infusion sites, I use the Medtronic silhouette infusion sets with an Accu-Chek Spirit combo pump. I am very thankful that I have not had skin irritations with either!
As my sites (CGM and pump) are almost always uncomfortable, I wait it out (unless the pump and site are malfunctioning). The itchiness and/or pain (like a bruise being constantly pushed on and more) have to be endured… my insurance would never pay for the replacement devices… and, I would soon lose more real estate on my body for places to place the devices.
My skin has never gotten irritated, my sites yes, but not the skin. Assuming your talking more of an adhesive issue here.
I do my best to wait it out.
Never had a skin problem with meditronic infusion sets but I have had a couple of them hurt because I put them in the wrong spot and they hurt I try too wait it out but usually change them out
I have only had irritation one time wearing an Omnipod on my upper hip. It was 95 degrees in Minnesota and walking around outside all day while on vacation. We left are friends and drove a while until I couldn’t take the pain and asked husband to pull over so I could take a look. It looked bad enough that I removed it and put a new one on my stomach. When we got home I did research and began using a barrier wipe before attaching anything to my body. No problems since!
I am in the same position as KarenM6- my insurance does not allow me any freedom to get 1 extra sensor or POD, so I just bite my lip and endure. The Dexcom adhesive used to be great, but in the past year has become more irritating.
I use metal infusion sets, so once in awhile it hurts a little.I usually just ride it out. It usually settles in after awhile. A few times, it hurts a lot and I just change it out. Sometimes I can just pull it out and put it in somewhere else. The joys of metal infusion sets.
I wait it out unless it gets more painful. Many times, the site irritation is because of clothing or large boluses with meals. A change of clothes or getting up and walking/exercising seems to make the irritation go away the majority of the time.