Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
5.4 I believe my activity level and exercise level helps. I enjoy walking, hiking, biking. I also take cycle classes and strength classes at the Y. Idid not do well but I participated in the discus at the Ohio senior games.
My recent 7.1 reading was greatly welcomed by my endocrinologist since it suggests that my ongoing problem of too many lows, indicated by being in the 6 range for a number of years is being taken care of.
The definitional bell-shaped curve, although with a slight upward bias. I wonder if this correlates with age, as many older people are encouraged to achieve higher, rather than lower, numbers? ▼
I don’t feel my A1C is very accurate. I suspect it reads lower because my bloods cell size has changed over time (low iron) but I can’t find a doctor that confirms it
5.4 I believe my activity level and exercise level helps. I enjoy walking, hiking, biking. I also take cycle classes and strength classes at the Y. Idid not do well but I participated in the discus at the Ohio senior games.
6.3 with too many lows!
My recent 7.1 reading was greatly welcomed by my endocrinologist since it suggests that my ongoing problem of too many lows, indicated by being in the 6 range for a number of years is being taken care of.
Last two were 6.2 and 6.1 where it’s consistently been for the past two years except for one last Summer when my A1c was 5.8.
The definitional bell-shaped curve, although with a slight upward bias. I wonder if this correlates with age, as many older people are encouraged to achieve higher, rather than lower, numbers? ▼
Mine is typically around 7-7.5.
It’s only in the 5s right now because I’m pregnant.
I don’t feel my A1C is very accurate. I suspect it reads lower because my bloods cell size has changed over time (low iron) but I can’t find a doctor that confirms it