Sarah Howard
Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
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I am very connected to T1D. I have it. My dad had it, two of three of my younger brothers have it, my eldest of three sons has it, and his daughter has it. Four generations.
I have type 1 diabetes, as did one of my younger brothers who, sadly, is no longer in the land of the living. I also have a cousin with type 1 diabetes.
I’m an epidemiologist and I’ve worked in type 1 diabetes research for years, also my brother had it and died during a DKA. I have a high risk HLA type as he did but my wife has none and none of my three kids inherited it so perhaps that particular chunk of genetic garbage has been eliminated from the human genome! Please don’t clone me!
Just me!! Im the lone type 1 in the family. My mother has 2 siblings with 2 kids each zero diabetes. My father has a sister with 2 kids zero diabetes. My younger sister is not diabetic. My grandparents on both sides not diabetics. My father has a few aunts and uncles (my great aunts and uncles) with diagnosed diabetes type 1 and 2 that have since died. More then 30 years ago. I have 2 or 3 -2nd cousins on my dads side with type 1 and 2. My grandmothers brother was a diabetic who needed dialysis for sometime before he died some 25 years ago. My grandmother had a kidney removed but im the only type 1 currently.
I am one of the lucky few I guess. I have type 1, my mum had t1d (she passed away 23 Jan 2009), her father had t1d (he passed in 1965), my great uncle had t1d (he passed in 2001), and other family members.. I am also a HUGE supporter of the T1D community 🤪 Both IRL and the DOC..
I have surgical diabetes, that never appears in any classification. The head and the tail of the pancreas were removed, have 20% left. Considering that I had an 8cm neuroendocrine nonfunctional tumor in 2003, I am grateful that the only consequence has been living with diabetes. I have metastasic diasease in the liver.
I have type 1 diabetes and am not well informed of LADA. I was diagnosed with type 2 at the age of 30 at a regular annual checkup through chance. I was not feeling unwell. I was given medicines to take, but they were not working at controlling my BG. Three months later, they did some more blood work and said I had type 1 and I stayed at the hospital in order to learn insulin therapy for a few days. I don’t know if this is LADA.
I was dx with T1d in 1955, at the age of 8. My maternal grandfather had T1d and my father had T2d.
Other: I have t1d, I have family members with type 1d, and I am a medical professional.
My T1D was diagnosed in 1987, at age 34, and one of our children was diagnosed with T1D at age 20.
I’m a T1D diagnosed at 34 had prediabetic at age 7 it’s been a good ride and trying to have a better day every day