Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
I have been a T1D for most of my life. I was diagnosed after catching a viral infection at a sleep away camp as a child. As we know, T1D is a caused by a virus which, genetically, we succumb to. My son always tells me “thanks for the genes mom”.
This question ‘tickles me’. I was diagnosed Type 1 more than 40 years ago, but having been admitted to hospital 2 years ago, where I was diagnosed as suffering with COVID-19, my discharge letter, sent to my GPs surgery suggested that I “may be diabetic, possibly type 1”.
I still laugh, thinking about my GPs letter after it was shown to me.
no, but interested in why that question was posed! I had a friend that became insulin dependent for 2 months after covid, but they slowly worked him off of it. He’s on metformin now. At the hospital they told him that it was caused by COVID
Sounds like your friend developed insulin resistance due to the stress inducing effects of the COVID virus on the physical body. Emotional stress during severe illness can also tigger elevated BGs as the body defenses work to deal with & heal the effects of the COVID virus. Most likely your friend was never a T1. The only way to tell is to run tests for autoantibodies and c-peptide to see if he is still making insulin, in which case he may have LADA T1 diabetes.
Both my brother and I developed T1D at age 15, but I think it was at least 2 years after having mumps. At one time I was told about a theory that a “mumps-like virus” might be a causative factor, but have not read or heard about that theory for a very, very long time. If theory was true, wouldn’t there be a vaccine after 60 years?
No “positive” covid prior. Also suspected diabetes/ metabolic disorder for years before diagnosis but the doctors thought we were crazy and refused testing and endo referral.
I was diagnosed as T1D over 50 years ago when the doctor was checking to see if I was clear of jaundice/Hepatitis A. Initially controlled by diet but over the following year moved on to insulin.
No but I was diagnosed about 6 months after having viral meningitis.
I have been a T1D for most of my life. I was diagnosed after catching a viral infection at a sleep away camp as a child. As we know, T1D is a caused by a virus which, genetically, we succumb to. My son always tells me “thanks for the genes mom”.
This question ‘tickles me’. I was diagnosed Type 1 more than 40 years ago, but having been admitted to hospital 2 years ago, where I was diagnosed as suffering with COVID-19, my discharge letter, sent to my GPs surgery suggested that I “may be diabetic, possibly type 1”.
I still laugh, thinking about my GPs letter after it was shown to me.
How funny!… The letter is what may be termed a “CYA letter”! ;p
no, but interested in why that question was posed! I had a friend that became insulin dependent for 2 months after covid, but they slowly worked him off of it. He’s on metformin now. At the hospital they told him that it was caused by COVID
Sounds like your friend developed insulin resistance due to the stress inducing effects of the COVID virus on the physical body. Emotional stress during severe illness can also tigger elevated BGs as the body defenses work to deal with & heal the effects of the COVID virus. Most likely your friend was never a T1. The only way to tell is to run tests for autoantibodies and c-peptide to see if he is still making insulin, in which case he may have LADA T1 diabetes.
My daughter was dx 4 months before the H1N1 flu pandemic in 2009. After she caught that H1N1 her honeymoon ended.
My son was dx during the pandemic but we do not think he ever had covid. No known illnesses or vaccines at least 6 months prior to dx.
No. I was diagnosed after having the mumps virus in November/December 1962.
I wanted to see the answers but haven’t had covid, but do have t1d. There wasn’t an option for that answer.
Both my brother and I developed T1D at age 15, but I think it was at least 2 years after having mumps. At one time I was told about a theory that a “mumps-like virus” might be a causative factor, but have not read or heard about that theory for a very, very long time. If theory was true, wouldn’t there be a vaccine after 60 years?
I also was diagnosed with T1D shortly after having mumps. Diagnosis was in 1968.
No “positive” covid prior. Also suspected diabetes/ metabolic disorder for years before diagnosis but the doctors thought we were crazy and refused testing and endo referral.
Covid 19 was not here 70 yrs ago….
I was diagnosed as T1D over 50 years ago when the doctor was checking to see if I was clear of jaundice/Hepatitis A. Initially controlled by diet but over the following year moved on to insulin.