On a scale of 1-5, how important is it you that T1D supply companies take steps to be more environmentally friendly? (5 = most important, 1 = least important)
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This is phrased in a very vague way. Of course it’s important but at the cost of what? I put a five because of course it’s important for them to “take steps” as opposed to what they seem to do now (create as much waste as possible)
Dexcom is particularly bad. They have way more waste than usable products.
Meditronic is trying to to keep insulin waste and less trash by making a set that last 7 days I excited to start using it thumbs up meditronic
I recycle all products that I can, even toliet paper rolls! Today is Earth Day, so we are thinking about how to save this world. Think about how we can reduce, reuse, and recycle. Our St. dept. is giving away paper lawn waste bags today and you can sign up to have these delivered once a month on your trash day. It is better for the environment than plastic or styrofoam. My insulin is delivered in styrofoam which is not recyclable.
It is very important but more than that is a supply company that follows through and seeks your opinion and Listens to it. I thought the waste from Dexcom was excessive but once I started using a 5 gal. Sharps Container who cares! I need my Control #5
George, our county waste authority accommodates disposal needs for many things but not sharps. I have used containers from Sharps Assure for many years. I only buy them when they are on sale. I found them to be reasonably priced. What company do you use?
It is important for all things manufactured and used by mankind. Product design development & ingenuity should include packaging and waste concerns.
It’s exceedingly important, not just to me, but the world.
I am always disturbed by the amount of waste with my Dexcom system. All of the packaging and manual that I receive with each new transmitter is unnecessary! I also feel bad about throwing away the sensor inserter every ten days. I wish there was a way I could simply “load” my sensor each time and reuse the inserter.
I agree with your idea about a reusable sensor inserter. Also the wastefulness of all the paper instructions that come with each box of refills. C’mon, once you learn the ABC steps to insert a cgm who needs it?
I don’t think it is necessary to include directions with every package of supplies. Seems like there could be an option to go paperless.
I fortunately live in a community that has curbside recycling that takes just about everything. But so many things you think are, really are not. Food bags that are coated, not. Cardboard boxes stained with food particles, not. So much has to be researched and most don’t bother. But I do feel all companies and all of us need to think about what they buy and how they dispose of it.
It is just as important to me as it is with every consumer product company. However, I have by far the most constrained choices in this, so I am least able to make choices that correspond to the importance. So I had to say “other” since I assume that choice is implied in the question.
My insurance company specifies what supplies I am to use and gives me one source from which to acquire them. I could say that I think recyclable supply waste is important, but I have no control over which suppliers to use. I voted “other.”
The more we can all do, the better.
Dexcom G6 applicator is enormous. Supply companies should supply users with a sharps container to hold them after use.
I have seen the amount of waste that someone using Dexcom and the Tandem pump creates and it boggles my mind. I use Medtronic and as much as I hate throwing out plastic they do seem to have the least trash. Reusable inserters for some sets, reusable inserter for the CGM sensors. I wish that any set that comes with a built-in inserter could be banned, like the Mio. I reuse the reservoirs several times.
Medtronic CGM. Incredible how much packing material they use. They once sent me not one, not two, not even three, but four letters in the mail to announce…. wait for it…the subtle design changes they were making in the PACKAGING!!!!! I have so little control over this, it is maddening.
Medical waste and plastics are causing disastrous pollution across the world and especially in the oceans where much of our food chain begins. T1D Supply companies use far too much non-recyclable plastic and metal materials (or it is not marked as recyclable).