In the past 5 years, have you participated in a T1D research study that tested out a potential new device, drug, process, or other intervention?
Home > LC Polls > In the past 5 years, have you participated in a T1D research study that tested out a potential new device, drug, process, or other intervention?
Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
Yes, as recently as this month. The latest of many “diabetes intervention” studies in which I’ve been involved since my first intervention for which I volunteered in 1966 – to test LASER Photocoagulation to contain retinopathy.
I continue to volunteer, but lately I “age out” during selection of candidates.
I participated in a virtual focus group study concerning the development of a potential new device. Evidently, I’ve aged out of clinical studies , although I’ve continued to apply for them.
Does anyone have a list of contacts for how to find out about different research projects going on That would include mainly focus groups, and things that could be done remotely? I would not be interested in a lengthy, clinical trial that would involve a new device or a medication.
I have not participated in a study yet but I do keep in contact with my physicisian’s assitant who specializes in diabetes as she sometimes knows of studies that may be coming out that I may be interested in. I also look up studies but I do not fit the criteria of what the study is looking for.
I participate in the ACT research (Kaiser & U of Washington in Seattle) for factors delaying or causing dementia. Also a retinal scan study to predict dementia.
In the past 5 years, have you participated in a T1D research study that tested out a potential new device, drug, process, or other intervention? Cancel reply
Yes, but just online market research. I got paid though!
Yes, as recently as this month. The latest of many “diabetes intervention” studies in which I’ve been involved since my first intervention for which I volunteered in 1966 – to test LASER Photocoagulation to contain retinopathy.
I continue to volunteer, but lately I “age out” during selection of candidates.
I answered no as I have not been in an in person study, but do many “studies” online asking questions about potential new T1D products, designs, etc,
No, I am not eligible because of ongoing treatment for bone cancer.
I participated in Tandem’s ControlIQ trials and Dexcom’s adhesive trials for the G7 sensor.
First time
I participated in a virtual focus group study concerning the development of a potential new device. Evidently, I’ve aged out of clinical studies , although I’ve continued to apply for them.
I have not but would like to participate. How does a person go about participating?
Does anyone have a list of contacts for how to find out about different research projects going on That would include mainly focus groups, and things that could be done remotely? I would not be interested in a lengthy, clinical trial that would involve a new device or a medication.
I’ve tried many times, but…
I have not participated in a study yet but I do keep in contact with my physicisian’s assitant who specializes in diabetes as she sometimes knows of studies that may be coming out that I may be interested in. I also look up studies but I do not fit the criteria of what the study is looking for.
I’ve tried many times but never make the cut!!
I participate in the ACT research (Kaiser & U of Washington in Seattle) for factors delaying or causing dementia. Also a retinal scan study to predict dementia.