In the past 12 months, have you experienced vomiting as a symptom of high blood glucose levels?
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No, but . . . you know what? That gastroparesis nerve, when it goes south on you, allows anyone to experience the fun of vomiting no matter what the BG level or stomach contents. Sheesh! What an opportunity.
In 48 years I have never experienced that.
At Christmas time 2020, a gift plate of baked goods arrived at my door from a friend. I couldn’t stay out of them and got nauseated from all the fat and sugar, Merry Christmas! My friend felt so bad, she arrived with diet gingerale, my 2nd gift.
Only when going into DKA, which is another thing, and goes way beyond just a high glucose level. Ive had T1 for 55 years, and only under total insulin failure – 2 or 3 times in that timespan.
I answered “no” (for my son), but this was his first symptom before diagnosis. He never lost weight, he was diagnosed in an outpatient setting with a1c of 9.5 and the reason we started our 3 physician and 6 appointment medical journey.
I have never had this symptom. In fact, I’ve always had a hard d time trying to describe my high blood sugar symptoms!
Never, but we always joked about having copper-lined stomachs.
My family always called mine a cast-iron stomach.
No, only nearly 55 years ago when I was DKA. I went through several bouts of vomiting off and on before finally, after nearly a week of not being able to hold anything down, I was hospitalized and diagnosed. I had always been a thin child, but after all that I weighed only about 65 pounds and was about 5’5” tall. I looked like a skeleton.
Since going on Tandem pump with CIQ I don’t get Hugh enough to get symptoms like that.
No! Never, in 66+ years w T1D.
My highest known level was 511 on Thanksgiving a week or so after I was misdiagnosed as T2. And I only ate about 1/2 the carbs compared to years past. I had no symptoms at the time. My A1C at that first dianosis was 14.3, so I probably has some pretty high levels before that. My symptoms then were thirsty, urination and blurry vision, never nausea.
But I have in the past
I participated in a study and part of it was having my glucose run high for several hours (ketones were monitored to bring me down before well before reaching DKA). I felt fine other than that high feeling but once that day’s study was complete, I got sick even though I was still low on ketones and didn’t have the DKA pain and other symptoms that I’ve experience in my lifetime. I have participated in this particular study twice before without any issues. I believe it was due to having not enough water before I began, so it was a good reminder to keep my fluids up.
I have vomited … sometimes several times a day … within the last 12 months, but NOT due to high blood glucose levels. I have gastroparesis, which means delayed emptying of stomach contents, which leads to me vomiting much more frequently than I’d like to. >|<
I haven’t in the past 12 months, but I have in the past many many years ago when my pump malfunctioned. I wasn’t prepared with a backup plan and many hours passed before i was able to get to my insulin. It was definitely a lesson learned.
I have vomited in the past, but my blood sugars have been better of late. I have gotten nauseous recently but, with the CGM and better emergency supplies, was able to stop the process earlier than I would have known about it before CGM.
Your Glucose has to be way above 400mg/dl for some time to cause that. I have experienced it very long ago!
My blood glucose levels have not gone above 180 in the past 12 months. Never have had levels that high that would have vomited.
I sometimes feel nauseated when my BG is low, but not generally when it’s ‘high’ (but it never gets really ‘high’ due to constant monitoring my BG).
The only time it was ever crazy high, in the days prior to being diagnosed (45 years ago), I remember feeling nauseated, but never vomited.
Nope. Last episode of N&V due to high BG was over 30 years ago in 1992.
Have not been high enough long enough to experience that symptom in the past 12 months.
I’ve had the disease long enough that I know what to do when I’m getting close to that point to avoid the vomiting.
Been T1 for 61 years. Did experience it in the early days before any testing was available about once a year when it was time to get dose readjusted, but very lucky in that my rises and falls were quite slow and I could feel what was happening even before meters arrived. So only a couple of dangerous situations in my whole life. I am so very lucky!!!
No vomiting in the past 12 months. Only ketoacidosis causes me to throw up and then I seek emergency medical help. The last time was over 10 years ago.