In the past 12 months, have you attended any virtual or in-person diabetes community events? For this question, we include any event that brings together people with diabetes, such as a fundraising event, research update, conference, info session, or something else!
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What events???
If you follow TCOYD.org (Take Care of Your Diabetes), it is a website with diabetes information. They have virtual diabetes presentations a few times a year. I am sure there are many more organizations that do that, but TCOYD.org is one that I follow.
TCOYD presentations and Diabetes Sangha (meditation group for T1Ds)
KCR – A Diabetes Sangha sounds appealing … Do you attend in person or on Zoom? If in person, where and how often do you meet, etc? And if on Zoom is it open to any or all with TID who may be genuinely interested?
I attended the virtual TCOYD event last Saturday. I thoroughly enjoyed it and learned a lot, as I always do. The part about managing diabetes during surgery and in the hospital is particularly relevant to me right now. TCOYD videos and podcasts are available free to anyone online if you miss events in real time: https://tcoyd.org
Virtual TCOYD, in person RideJDRF.
And, virtual Type1Nation (JDRF) conferences.
Rcpts virtual conference and a couple of my monthly T1D women’s support group meetings.
TCOYD virtual conferences. The one last Saturday was well worth the time.
Yes, in answer to the question I have attended several virtual events with TCOYD over the past year. Keeps me in the loop until the time comes when I can once again attend live TCOYD events in person.
i was going to virtually attend the Joslin Medalist gathering for the past 2 years, but caregiving has prevented me from making the commitment of time.