If you wear any T1D devices, how do you get rid of the adhesive residue left behind on your skin after removing your CGM or pump site? Share your tips in the comments!
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I rarely need anything much, usually soap and water does it but if I need more I have uni-solve wipes too.
Best if using a soft scrub brush in the shower on the site usually works best 👍
Usually soap and water is fine, sometimes I scrape any excess off with my fingernail.
Soap and water or let it wear off. If I am really worried about it I use a product called detachol
Baby oil
Yes- I wash with soap and water and use alcohol wipes. Just a side note- I change socks and underwear on a regular basis.
Baby Oil (why not baby yourself!)
Usually there’s no residue that I can see or feel. I always clean the site with alcohol wipes because of the break in my skin from the device. I’ve never had a problem but I do it anyway.
I use alcohol or soap and water to remove the residue. If the residue is not removed on the first go round, I just let it be!
If I happen to be changing my site at around the time when I’m showering, then I scrub off as much residue as I can while in the shower. Whatever I don’t get off, I let wear off.
I use mineral oil to get most off, then soap and water to remove the oil and any residual adhesive.
I rarely need anything beyond normal bathing rituals to remove residue, but if it’s stubborn I use an alcohol wipe.
d-Limone (orange peel extract) works great and it is food grade.
Soap & water only. It may take a little elbow grease to get off some stubborn residual but that’s rare.
I use skintac wipes that leave a residue and sticks to everything. Generally rubbing alcohol gets the majority removed but if it’s particularly stubborn I use baby oil.
The Freestyle Libre has an adhesive backing. Sometimes that remains on the skin when you pull the sensor off. If I can find an edge, I pull the adhesive off too. The kit comes with 2 alcohol pads, one to clean the new placement and the other to wipe the old site clean. So that works for me.
I bought uni-solve (not wipes) read the ingredients: fractionated coconut oil and citrus essential oil. I use my fractionated coconut oil.
I like the Adapt 7760 no sting universal remover wipes. I do not like the smell of unisolve, and these do not smell as much.
Using direct pressure, slowly draw your finger across the leftover adhesive, working it into a blob/ball and dispose.
With sensitive skin, to avoid scrubbing I use Goo Gone 😁. Seriously, there is a Goo Gone Bandage & Adhesive Remover, it works well and smells fine.
I get anything heavy by dragging my finger along it until it kind of “rolls up” and I can pull it off. Anything minor I leave alone and it tends to be gone in a day or so.
Goo be gone adhesive remover. Blue liquid. Use a cotton ball soaked with it. Does remove adhesive. Not easily. Requires effort. For me, about 20 swipes/rubs across each area. 😊
Some kind of adhesive removal wipe I bought on Amazon.
100% pure acetone, followed by moisturizer so the skin doesn’t get dried out or irritated
My infusion sets never leave any residue behind. I do use an IV Prep wipe on the skin first so I don’t know if that makes a difference. I use Hypafix over my sensors and I sometimes have a little adhesive residue around the other edges. I just rub it off with my finger. Once I made the mistake of using a SkinTac wipe under the Hypafix and my skin was sticky even after using 6 TacAway remover wipes. I decided I’d rather have the edge of the tape peel up rather than ever use one of those wipes again.
I use my fingernail to get the outer edge lint left by clothing. Sometimes it needs help coming off so I enlist an alcohol swab, essential oil I have handy or add some lotion to make the scraping less irritating to my skin
Sometimes I use my finger tips to rub it away. Otherwise I use alcohol.
There’s only occasionally some residue left, in which case we use Medline Adhesive Remover Wipes.
Just wash it off in the shower.
When I can afford it I use a face wash to remove the adhesive. My other go to is an alcohol wipe after the hole has healed to remove the adhesive.
Johnson & Johnson Baby Oil
I used to use baby oil, but now I use tea tree oil and I think it works even better!
I use TacAway which takes it right off.
I also sometimes use TacAway adhesive remover wipes (available from Amazon), or Detachol adhesive remover on a cotton swab.