If you wear an insulin pump, do you have a protective case on your pump or PDM?
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I wear a mini med 630 with silicone cover I don’t know if it was the cover or a very well made pump we had a cow break through the gate and stomped on me and my pump and it survived no cracks everything work great I am glad I wear a good quality pump
I said “other” because I no longer wear a pump but when I did I had a protective case and screen protector on my PDM.
I use my phone for my PDM and I have a protective case and a glass protector on the screen.
I keep my pump in my pants pockets. The silicone cover for the pump makes it more difficult to get the pump in and out of the pocket, so, “no”, I do not use it.
I’ve never used a case. At the very beginning I used the belt clip, but when I started putting my pump in my pants pocket I discontinued using the clip. I’ve never had any issue where the pump became damaged other than when I dropped it into a lake (!) Even though it was my fault Medtronic honored the warranty and replaced it.
My PDM came with one, so I put it on. It was a little slippery without it, and I was afraid I would drop it and break it. Mine’s an Omnipod, so I don’t have to keep the PDM on me all the time.
Well it is called a “Pocket Pancreas”
When I first had an insulin pump (with the tubing between the pump and inset) I never had a case on the pump. And it survived miles of use clipped on my side as I rode my Adventure bike across the US and Canada avoiding as much pavement as possible.
Then I switched to a tubeless pump and LOVE the freedom it provides me. My PDM does have a rubber cover over its back side, but it can be tucked away from any harm when on the motorcycle. The supposed new version of the PDM will work off of a cell phone and I cannot wait for that.
I use a Type 1 Tactical belt holster with my t:slim x2.
I have a belt clip for my Accuracies-Chek pump, but it is not a protective case.
I only have the clip that would attach my pump to my belt line. I’ve never found that I needed anything else to protect it, but I am almost 67 and lead a very sedentary lifestyle.
I wear the case with the clip on it that it comes with. I’m sure it’s somewhat protective. But, mostly I use it so I can easily attach it to my clothes.
Yes, my Tandem t:slim X2 stays in the protective case it came with. I usually wear it clipped to my waistband.
I definitely would NOT consider the “case” included with the tSlim pump as a “protective case” but instead just a basic carrying case allowing pump to be worn more conveniently than just dropped into a pocket in clothing.
I’d say if it’s really a “protective case” then it should either have a cover to protect the pump display screen from damage or be like the Myabetic pump case I got for my G4 and also use TROUBLE-FREE with my tSlim X2, where the case flips open to expose the screen for pump use, but in closed condition it has the pump screen FACING MY BODY so if the pump is to get damaged by impact, the most likely pump part to get damaged would be the pump cartridge surrounding plastic housing instead of the pump’s screen.
I KNOW all Tandem and user claims that “for CG reception, the pump screen MUST FACE AWAY FROM YOUR BODY!!!” but with my pump screen normally facing my body, the ONLY times my pump misses readings from the Dexcom G6 transmitter is during the SAME EXACT TIMES when my PHONE is ALSO unable to receive readings from the transmitter. Most likely due to confusing data from the sensor causing the transmitter to stop transmitting until it figures out what’s going on.
I still use the ACTUALLY protective case I got for my tSlim G4 Insulin Pump with my tSlim X2 with Control IQ pump, which Tandem, based on my own personal experience, FALSELY claims that “for the Bluetooth reception from the Dexcom G6 transmitter, the pump must be worn screen facing away from the body on the same side of the body as the Dexcom G6 sensor/transmitter is located.”
I use the now discontinued Myabetic tSlim G4 pump Flip Case with my tSlim X2 pump and DESPITE the FACT that my pump screen is FACING MY BODY nearly 100% of the time, the ONLY times the pump misses the CGM readings, even when the pump is on my right front pants pocket and my G6 sensor and transmitter are in my lower LEFT BACK (meaning if Bluetooth really can’t be received when transmitted through a human, reception SHOULD BE 100% IMPOSSIBLE!!! Yet the ONLY times my pump fails to receive the CGM readings are during those SAME times when my PHONE ALSO reports that it’s receiving nothing from the G6 transmitter!!!
Even Dexcom says that the G6 transmitter will NOT TRANSMIT READINGS if it receives sensor readings it’s unable to figure out for some reason or another, but will resume transmitting once the reading conflicts are figured out.
I have a Minimed 770G and I only wear its rubber protective case when rock climbing. Otherwise I find it too bulky for my comfort. However, it definitely does to job of protecting the pump well when I climb!
I use a discontinued Myabetic case. I love my leather case! I have begged both Myabetic and Tandem to bring it back, as it is starting to getting kinda sad looking.
My daughter uses omnipod with her iPhone as the PDM, and she does have a case on her iPhone.
yes, I do. Feels more sturdy in my hand/
I have a case for my Omnipod PDM… i don’t like it. it’s all floppy and the lancet holder doesn’t hold the lancet so it’s always slipping out of the case… it’s most annoying when i’m trying to zip it closed and the darn lancet escapes. it happens far more often than not.
I wear the one that comes with the Tandem X2 and clip it to my waistband, the edge of a pocket when I wear jeans, or tucked into my bra when I wear a dress. It is streamlined, slim and discrete.
I use the silicone wrap on my Medtronic 670g, mostly to provide grip so it slips off my waistband less.
I have a soft sport waist pouch with a zipper. I sewed a buttonhole in the case and hook it to my pant belt loop with a carabiner. Avoids banging the pump and minimizes the chance my infusion set can get pulled out.