If you wear a pump, have you ever gotten sunscreen on a pump site? If so, share if it had any effect and how you handled it in the comments!
Home > LC Polls > If you wear a pump, have you ever gotten sunscreen on a pump site? If so, share if it had any effect and how you handled it in the comments!
Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
How would you get sunscreen on a pump site? I use Omnipod, the insertion sites are covered by the pod. Isn’t the insertion site covered by the adhesive patch on the other kind?
No effect on pump infusion site, but sunscreen DID melt the plastic housing on my Medtronics Paradigm 723 Insulin Pump itself once! Permanent fingerprints melted into plastic after handling pump after applying sunscreen!
I had no idea sunscreen could cause problems. I can’t say I’ve ever even noticed whether I put it on near or around the site, but I’m pretty sure I must have – I live in Florida. No issues I guess?
If you wear a pump, have you ever gotten sunscreen on a pump site? If so, share if it had any effect and how you handled it in the comments! Cancel reply
No memory of sunscreen on a pump site having any effect whatsoever.
Pump sites are on stomach where they work best for me. Way too old to be needing sunscreen there. 😁
How would you get sunscreen on a pump site? I use Omnipod, the insertion sites are covered by the pod. Isn’t the insertion site covered by the adhesive patch on the other kind?
New pump site – got no choice – yuck
And I do not use sunscreen!
I usually wear a swim shirt or T shirt to hide my infusin sight and CGM sensor, so no.
No effect on pump infusion site, but sunscreen DID melt the plastic housing on my Medtronics Paradigm 723 Insulin Pump itself once! Permanent fingerprints melted into plastic after handling pump after applying sunscreen!
Sunscreen goes on after Omnipod is already attached. Nothing on my skin while applying it.
I had no idea sunscreen could cause problems. I can’t say I’ve ever even noticed whether I put it on near or around the site, but I’m pretty sure I must have – I live in Florida. No issues I guess?
Can you clarify what this question even means?