If you wear a CGM and share your CGM data with any of your loved ones through an app, for which types of CGM alerts does your network receive notifications? Select all that apply!
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I am really surprised you didnt have the choice to share it on Facebook. Don’t they need to to help with marketing for you guys?
That comment was unkind, sarcastic and not very nice. I have lived with T1D in my body since 1962, have been a TID participant for several years, and am a Masters prepared RN diabetes education specialist. I can say in defense of TID Exchange they are not in the business of marketing anything for anyone. The purpose of this website is to collect real life data and opinions about life with TID, and to provide relevant and meaningful information to help us all live better lives.
The only people I share my CGM data with is Medtronic, my endocrinologist, and my Diabetes Specialist Nurse (DSN).
My wife has absolutely no interest as she believes that she already knows everything there is to know about diabetes. (sic)
I shared urgent low message with my spouse.
I also share with my co worker. We are both T1D and are diabetes educators – this way we can show and explain the pros & cons of these devices.
I used Dexcom share with my wife for a few months. Made her a nervous wreck! She’s a nurse and every time it was outside a non diabetics range she would panic!! So, no more sharing data!!
Nobody except my doctors is interested. Besides most don’t know how to interpret it.
I share only with my diabetologist.
I use Dexcom’s Share with my endocrinologist (gets the data, not alerts to my knowledge) and my wife (she gets alerts). My wife is helpful in that she doesn’t panic, but will ask how I’m doing if a high or low lasts very long.
I shared data for a week, but had to discontinue due alarms interfering with their daily activities. Welcome to T1d
Sharing data with the doctor is the other reason for wearing a CGM. It should have been an to choose.
Have a new endocrinologist. May share data if she wants to when I see her next time.
Other: only share with endo and diabetes educator
I think this question is intends to ask about real-time CGM data sharing rather than giving your medical team access to device reports. I use a Medtronic 670G, so no live sharing capabilities. I did previously use a Dexcom and shared with my husband. It was a little bit too much having both the alarms and my well-intended husband reminding me when my BGs were off. If I could limit alerts to just low warnings, I would consider that for safety. I bet sharing is helpful for parents of little ones with T1D.
I used the 670G and now 770G. My wife hears the alarms somtimes, not always. I usually share a summary of my meal time SG response.
I actually share my data with my doc but only during the appt.
Only Endo has access to Data
My endo takes my 770g pump to download at my visits but I know there is a way for me to sharethe Carelink data without them needing to take my pump from me. I keep forgetting to ask.
Prior to the 770 my sister had asked if there was a way for anyone else to see my data and at the time there wasn’t. Now that there is I still won’t share with her because she won’t share her Dexcom with me!
I only share with specific doctors, not any loved ones. So, no alarms and no data sent to family or friends.
I don’t need even _more_ people hounding me about my choices and my diabetes care.
I actually started sharing with my spouse so that he could see what my daily BG readings look like. He had been hovering – – “Your sugar is at 75, shouldn’t you be eating something?” or, “You didn’t eat/drink much, don’t you think you should have more?” So, I asked him to allow me to share so that he could get a better idea of what my life with diabetes is like.
I have found, now that he has calmed down, that I really like sharing. It is so nice to know he has my back! If he sees I am low and doesn’t see any signs that I am treating it, he’ll call or text me to make sure I am aware. I is a comfort to know he’s there!
I would share but there’s no internet out side of the house so I don’t use the share