If you have T1D, have you ever dated or married someone who also has T1D? Tell us your T1D love stories in the comments!
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I was interested in managing my T1D, she was still in denial.
Dated a T1D one time. She lectured me all through dinner about my carb choices, etc. When I ordered a beer, I though that I actually saw steam come out of her ears!
I married a type 1 diabetic after becoming a widow at a young age. He looked like a picture of health and I enjoyed his company, but early on I also saw the blood sugar swings. This was back in the early 80s when meters were first coming out and he was on pork insulin R and NPH long acting which was mixed together. I did marry this handsome man who was 14 years older. The lows were the worst, but little did we know that in 16 years I too would become a T1D with LADA. We had 2 sons together and the youngest one 20 years later also became a juvenile T1D. So there were Mom, Dad, and son with T1D under the same roof, loving each other, mentoring each other, living 1 day at a time, and going forward the best we could. Charlie passed in 2019 one of the oldest type 1 diabetics in the country and today I miss him terribly sitting across the table. So love your type 1s, endure the swings, and make the most of each day together because you never get the precious gift of time back.
I didn’t marry a type 1 diabetic, but he developed type 1 at the age of 62, so now we both are.
I was diagnosed with T1D at the age of 30 and the next year I started dating a gentleman that I later found out he had TID and had kept it a secret from everyone. He was very considerate of my diabetes. It seemed very odd in retrospect.
My late husband (he was diagnosed at age 3) and I (diagnosed at age 4) met at a rummage sale that was a fund raiser for the local ADA. We always said that we picked each other up at a rummage sale! We had 30 great years together before he passed away. We also learned that how we managed our diabetes was very different….what worked for one did not necessarily work for the other. But we did learn a lot from each other.
One time, one date, it was miserable for both. Thankfully I have been married up for 43 years. My date, is now a Facebook friend. I love her, but not in that way. 🙂
In aoll my 58 years as a T1d I never even met anyone else with T1d until a few years ago when I started going to Kaiser sponsored meetings. Then I went to a TCOYD conference. But I’ve been married to the same great man 48 years so dating is ancient history.
I am a T1D for 77 years now. When I met my husband and we began to date I didn’t tell him. After a few I dates I told him about my diabetes and he promised to help me live with it and we were married for 51 years. He could always tell when my blood sugar was low and quickly got me something to bring it up. He went to heaven ahead of me in 1999 with cancer. We were blessed with 2 sons, raised foster kids and adopted a baby girl. God gets all the credit for my long life and I thank Him for all the changes I’ve lived through in the treatment of T1D!!
Husband was not when we married in 1986, but was diagnosed Type 2 in 2003 and then Type 1 in 2018. I’ve been Type 1 since I was 6 years old (1970).
I said boo, but did try them when I was younger and found out the hard way it’s not so fun.
I dated a T1 who spoke very little English. We both were dx at 8 and were in our early 20s, both in full rebellion of it. We didn’t last more than a few months but it wasn’t because of T1. He’d learned more English during that time and I discovered he was a jerk. 🙂